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"Sorry Koo , I was in shower"

"It's okay. I just wanted to tell you that I'll visit your apartment." Jungkook felt so relieved just hearing V's voice.

"Why do sudden?" V chuckled.

"I miss you Idiot" Jungkook pouted. "I couldn't even kiss you properly"

"I miss you too. But I have some work in kitchen. I've to make some Japchae for Bear before he's back home." V was still wet from the shower.

"Ohhh" Jungkook voice dripped disappointment which V never liked. He could feel his deep pout through the phone.

"Aww ... Don't pout baby. Noona will be here soon with groceries and I only got like two hours to prepare everything."

"I'll just have a quick visit. I'll go before he come home" He whined.

V chuckled. "You won't be satisfied with a quick visit. Neither will I. We'll forget about the time and Bear will catch us. Do you want that to happen?"

Jungkook mumbled a small 'no'. But , deep inside he kinda want that to happen. But again, V has his reason to hide their relationship from his brother. Jungkook respect that.

"We can meet some other time. I promise" V assured.

The younger hummed.

"Koo we can still face time tonight before I go to Euphoria. " V said making Jungkook lit up a bit.

"wait, I thought you stopped working there" He asked confusedly.

"I did. But I had to restart. They're good money. But there was only vacancy for night shifts."

Euphoria Is a famous shopping complex in Seoul. V had been working in their cleaning department. It was a lot of work but also good payment.

"Get a good nap before going to work all night." Jungkook worriedly said.

"Ah.. I will" V smiled through the call.

"I know you won't. You'll start preparing the food , then will play with your brother, eat together , then have to call me , then you'll rush to work." He knows.

V let out a laugh."Don't worry I had enough sleep and rest" He lied.

"okay. Tomorrow evening then?" Jungkook suggested.

"Ah... I promised Noona that will be at her store from tomorrow. There's not much employees there to help her." Elder sighed.

"I'll arrange something. Don't worry. Focus on your studies now , you're almost a doctor now" V said making Jungkook proud a bit.

"Eat healthy and rest well. You have to be healthy for being able to take care of your patients"

"I know"

V heard a knock on his door."I'm coming " He yelled.

"Koo I'll call you later. Bye , take care , love yoooo ..mwuahhhh" He hang up the call to ran to the door.

"Love you too" Jungkook mumbled against the phone and sighed.

He turned to walk towards the duo who seems to be lost in whatever conversation they're having.

"The brat's back" Jimin grinned.

"Wish I didn't have to" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Keep rolling maybe you'll find a brain back there" Jimin shrugged.

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