3 | Petal |

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Jeonggukk is a busy man. Each seconds worth millions for him. But here he is checking himself in the mirror for the nth time to visit a family beach , rearranging his whole tightly packed schedule in the process.

He styled his hair back and few strands falling above his forehead his dark maroon shirt fitting tight to his bulged pecs .He took mercy to the first three buttons giving a sneak peak to his well built chest. He slided in to his black coat and checked him once again on the mirror before nodding in satisfaction.

Maybe it was because of the cold bath he took or maybe because of the sweet scent of his new perfume that he brought for today , he was feeling so refreshed. Out of excitement he was going to skip the meal but he remembered the words of certain someone and ate the whole meal internally smiling like an idiot.

What the hell happened to me ?

Why am I suddenly doing all this?

He questioned everything he was doing but nonetheless he couldn't ignore the pure joy erupting his mind all this time. As walked toward the same wooden bench he fall asleep yesterday he found himself being nervous inside without any reason.

He sat down in the bench leaning forward. The black and gold coloured lighter slithered around his fingers elegantly. It's a habit he picked up along the years. He was wondering about a thing in his mind when the disturbing ringtone of his phone interrupted him.

"What?" He asked , eyes still wandering around the surroundings.

"How'd the Aoki's meeting go ?" The familiar sound enquired from other side of the phone making Jeonggukk sigh.

"Nothing special" He vaguely replied. His mind was filled with the disappointment of not being able to meet the person he anticipated. Well , he didn't thought this through.

What was I thinking anyway. How can I expect that boy to be here ? Argh. It's a public beach not his home.How can I be this stupid. I don't even know anything about him other than his name.

"Jeonggukk? Can you here me? Hello?" Jeonggukk paused his train of thoughts and replyed with a hum.

"*Sigh* I asked you how the meeting went? What'd he say exactly?"

"What do you think he said?" Jeonggukk scoffed. "Nothing changed"

"What? How the hell can he- that's total bullshit.. It's -". There was clear frustration in that voice.

"It was expected anyways. " He was unbothered .

"Why didn't you inform me? " The other man spoke.

"It didn't seem necessarily " Jeonggukk stood and decided to go back to his company where he was supposed to be.

"What do you mean necc-"

"Hoseok ! There's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. You know it. So, don't waste your time and get back to work" He said coldly and heard a sigh.

"Where are you now ? You're not in the company "

Jeonggukk rolled his eyes. "I'll be there soo-"

A melodious laughter attracted his attention. And eyes sparkled once his eyes landed on it's source. The blue haired boy surrounded by some kids giggling cutely at something they said.

" I-I'll call you later."

"What? Where-"

"I told you. I'm in a serious situation right now. I'll call you if it's necessary" His voice was demanding enough to make the other silent. He hung up the phone and found out that the person who has his eyes on has noticed him too.

Beauties And Beasts || Taeggukk /VkookWhere stories live. Discover now