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"All fine but if you say 'crush' one more time I'll crush your freaking bones with my bare hands." Jungkook growled to the phone and hung up the call.

"Was that Jimin ?" V enquired.

"Who else ?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "He's incharge of your brother now."

V hummed and sat on his bed. They two are in V's apartment after getting discharged from the hospital.

"Come to think of it , it's weird right ?" Jungkook turned to V with some pills on his hands.

"What ?" V asked while pouring himself a glass of water from nightstand .

"My twin dating your twin." Jungkook offered the pills in his hands to V. "It'd be crazy if we ever go on a double date." He squealed.

V gulped down the pills with water and made a weird face. "What are all these for ?"

Jungkook glared at him. He had just made the elder eat a whole meal he ordered.

"Sorry." V mumbled.

"Now to that. I'm also your dietician from now on. I decided what and how much you should eat until you learn how to eat healthy by yourself." He crossed his arms against his chest. "I'm gonna get a chart and -"

"Koo. Before that." V interrupted ."I owe you an answer. Don't I ?"

"We can have that conversation later. It's okay"

"No it's not. You deserve it." V insisted.





"T-Taehyung ?" Jeonggukk watched the boy smiling widely at him with all grace.

"Yep it's me." Taehyung laughed.

Jeonggukk walked inside his office closing the door behind. "What are you doing here ?" He asked trying his best to not sound rude.

"Hmm ? What ? You don't want me here ?"

Ah idiot . You screwed up.

"No no I didn't mean that -" He panicked.

Taehyung laughed at him. "I was just joking My Bunny."

Jeonggukk heart literally dropped on the floor , rolled around and his mind took a noticeable amount of time to process the word.

My Bunny.

"Hey ..You okay ?" Taehyung waved his hands in front of the CEO who seems to be in a daze.

"Y-yeah . I am. Why don't you take a seat, Petal. I'll order some drinks -" He paused realising what he has done.

"Someone actually said they'll bring-"

"You sit here and explore the office. I'll be right back. " Jeonggukk did a tight smile and ran out of the office leaving a confused Taehyung behind.

He couldn't open the elevator so he decided to ran down the stairs as fast as he can. The employees gave him a weird look as he ran past them.

He saw Shini walking back to the cafeteria with the tray. Jeonggukk ran faster and grabbed the tray before she could throw it in the trash. She was startled by the sudden action. She was more surprised realising it was Jeonggukk.

Shit. Did I messed up something again ?

She thought but soon became more surprised when she heard what Jeonggukk next.

Beauties And Beasts || Taeggukk /VkookWhere stories live. Discover now