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Namjoon throws his head back to the head of the revolving chair being frustrated at his works.

"Joonah ... Chillax ." Hoseok said stretching a cold coffee towards the frustrated male while smiling widely.

Joon sighed and hold on to the coffee. "Thanks"

Hoseok examined the glowing screen in from of them . "The guys we send are just useless. It's just pics ?... They'll do better on dispatches" He huffed

"They won't be alive to do that " Namjoon added talking a long sip of the cold drink feeling it filling his mouth and flowing down his dry throat , the coldness calming his chest and the caffeine alerting his nerves.

"relax... Why are you this tensed? " Hoseok sat down on the nearest chair and sipped his own drink.

"These fuckers don't even knows how to do a simple job. Worthless piece of shits." Namjoon refered to some of their workers who was sent to spy on Aoki's gang.

Hoseok chuckled.

"What?" Namjoon retorted.

"It's rare for hearing you curse. And that's the most insults you ever did on a single sentence in your lifetime. ... Seriously, how long have you been got laid ? "

Namjoon just rolled his eyes and continues to slurp down the calming drink.

"But seriously, you've never been to your home for over a week now.... Be glad Jin hyung didn't throw away your ring yet" Hoseok was concerned about the other .

Namjoon sighed and his thumb involuntary caressed the wedding ring on his finger. He misses his husband like crazy but just can't rest without dealing with the Aoki's issue.

"I know you can't rest while we're having a threat but don't overwork. Aoki won't throw a bomb if you take a day break. Why are you guys overreacting all this ? The man just stayed in Korea . That's it " He shrugged.

Namjoon glared at him. "You know how dangerous this simple Japanese man can be. We can't trust him , Hobi. It's been suspiciously peaceful for the past months.. "

"Feel like silence before the storm ?" The sound made Hoseok and Namjoon turn their head towards its origin which was Yoongi.

Yoongi pulled his hoodie back and revealed his platinum hair as he walked towards the two men.

"How did your trip go?" Hoseok's face lit up as he grinned from ear to ear seeing Yoongi after his two day trip. Namjoon noticed it and smiled gently.

"Tiring" Yoongi said nonchalantly and stole a sip from Hoseok's drink. Hoseok didn't mind it. "How are things here ?" Yoongi climbed on the table and sat there. Something he always do.

"We sent those guys-"

"Nah nah ... YOU are not allowed here today" Yoongi interrupted Namjoon which made the other frown in confusion.

"Get your ass to xxxxxxx before 6. " Yoongi checked his watch indicating the time.

"B-but that's my home"

"Exactly. Now shoosh from here asshole before i kick you out myself" Yoong was dead in the eyes while glaring at Namjoon.

Namjoon confusedly stood up and walked out of the room . He wouldn't dare to mess with Yoongi.

"What was that about?" Hoseok raised his eyebrows.

"Jin's been eating my brain this morning complaining about missing this giant shit. I don't wanna go through that torture again.." Yoongi rolled his eyes and Hoseok chuckled.

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