6 | Hyung |

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"This tastes like foot. Are you seriously thinking to feed this to humans?" The waiter was sweating infront of the tall handsome man yelling at him.

Jungkook entered the cozy cafe hearing this. It was early in morning, so there was no costomers yet.

"Hey Jin Hyung !"  He called the tall male and ran over to him. "I was searching for you all over- "

"Here take a bite" Jin offers the treat in his plate to the shorter.

He hesitated but took a bite. "It's not bad" He stated after a second.

"But not good ! How can you sell that? Go and call your Baker now!" Jin yelled and waiter ran for his life.

"Aish why are you making such a fuss. Poor guy" Jungkook sat on the table next to them and Jin followed it.

"Leave it, Now tell me why you're here brat. don't waste my time." Jin ordered.

"I can't even spend time with my hyung now? " Jungkook pouted

"I know you want something, otherwise you won't come here in this time" Jin crossed his arms.

Jungkook fiddled with his fingers.

"What? You want me to cover for you? Are you going out of town with your bf again? I swear to god Jungkook, I'm done lying to Joon about your -"

"No no no , it's not it. And V is not here either. He went to Daegu to see a friend " Jungkook pouted more missing his boyfriend who left an hour ago.

"Now what do you want with me" Jin asked.

"I want some tips for.. " He paused.

"For? "

Jungkook grinned. "For make someone fall in love"

Jin kept silent for some moments before grabbing Jungkook's collar.

Jungkook shook his head.

"WHATEVER THE REASON IS , CHEATING IS DISGUSTING... AND UNFORGIVABLE AND- " Jin continued but Jungkook escaped from his grip and snapped.

"What the fuck Hyung , I won't cheat on my man." He fixed his shirt .

"Then why do you want tips to-" Jin asked him eyes furrowed in suspicion.

"I-It's for my friend."

"Friend?" Jin grew more suspicious. "You have a friend other than me? Which one?"

Jungkook bit his lips. "He's a new kid in my collage. And he said he needs my help with his love"

"What's his name ? " He enquired

"J-Justin" Jungkook blurted out.

"Justin ?"

"Yeah , Justin . Now enough with the interrogation. Will you help me or not?" Jungkook was irritated .

"Okey okay. As your hyung and as the most Romantic guy on earth , I'll share some of my wisdom to you" Jin said with proud.

"Thank you Hyung. " Jungkook smiled.

"S-sir" The waiter from before stood there with another man on his side with a white hat.

"Oh you ! You are the one who made these ?" Jin picked the chocolate coated treat with his fingers like it's the most disgusting thing on the planet.

"Y-yeah . " The Baker gulped.

"How can you call yourself a baker after making something like this. It's like someone calling himself a photographer after taking one pic of his boyfriend sleeping " Jin side eyes Jungkook.

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