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Charlene's POV:

'Charlene!' Ma shouted

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'Charlene!' Ma shouted.
'Yes ma'am, I'm coming' I replied back politely. Ma is always rushing us, every single Sunday so we're not late, but she always making us late.
'Hmm, I just need my lip gloss anddd...Im ready to go. Ma do you need anything whilst I'm up here? Cause you always forgetting something.' I questioned as I grabbed my Louis Vuitton purse and put my lip gloss in it.
'No, I'm good baby. Let's go though, I wanna make sure I get a good seat this time. Sister Mary-Anne's hair was blocking my view last week' Ma fussed as she unlocked her 4x4 Mercedes.
'Ma!' I laughed 'You can't be saying that. She a nice lady'
'Girl, whatever. Pass me those nuts in my backseat. I didn't have time to eat breakfast' Ma said as she turned 'Praise Him in Advance' up slowly.
'Hmmm, and you was there rushing me' I sassed reaching to the back and passing them to her.

At Church. 10:00

'AMENNNNN' one of the ladies in the congregation shouted

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'AMENNNNN' one of the ladies in the congregation shouted.
I chuckled to myself doing my lil two step. I suddenly felt the urge to go to the bathroom, so I excused myself and sped walked to the bathroom.

Nathan's POV :

'Boy if you don't come on

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'Boy if you don't come on. We already late as it is' my ma whispered loudly.
'I'm coming ma, damn'
'You better watch that lip before I smack it' my ma bucked at me.
This lady always fussing about something. We not even that late.
I trailed behind my mom, trying to switch off my phone so it don't ring in the service, and then I felt something hit my stomach.
'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I should be more careful next time' the girl said nervously looking down at her hands.
I can't lie, I wasn't even worried about what had just happened, her face distracted me. She was beautiful. Her gorgeous dark skin, her plump lips, not even to mention her body. Her jeans perfectly accentuated her curves and her thick thighs. 'Damn' I thought.
'You're good mama. Don't even stress it' I said calmly. I could tell she was nervous so I chuckled to myself.
'I'm just gonna...yeah' she pointed back to the door of the service and started to speed walk away.
'So I'm not gon' get a name or nothing?' I questioned playfully and she turned around.
'It's Charlene. And yours?'
'Nathan' I said.
'I'll see you around church Nathan' she smiled and walked off for the last time.
'See you around' I said quietly and smiled to myself. Something about her intrigues me.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed. This is my first story so please don't hate if it's not all that great. But trust me it's about to get so much better. And don't forget to vote. Until next time...🥰

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