Long time no talk

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Next day 10:30am
Nathan's POV :

It was 10:30 and Char was still sleeping, so I decided to cook for her. It weren't a lot, but I wanted to show her I appreciate her.

I got up and got my hygiene together, being careful not to wake her. After all that, I ran to the store to get the ingredients cause my fridge was empty.


Damn she still sleeping. Must've been real good last night.

I started prepping all my stuff, I made her something a bit heavier cause by the time she was gon be eating this, it was gon be 1pm.


I finished cooking everything and I went up to wake her. When I got there, the bed was empty but the shower was on. So I texted her, and went back downstairs.

Charlene's POV :

I finished up showering but I didn't have nothing to wear. So I wore my tracksuit bottoms from last night, but I put on one of his t shirts. I picked out a Rick and Morty one, that was now mine. It was my favourite show after all. It didn't fit baggy, it was more fitted, but it looked real cute.

I could smell something from downstairs, so I picked up my phone and as I did I saw a text from him.


Hey mama. When you wake up and sort you out, I made us breakfast. I know you gon take one of my shirts and I know it's gon be the Rick and Morty one. 😐 You lucky I love you.


Damn. How he know that.

I locked my phone and walked down the stairs with a big smile on my face.

'Mmm' he said as he walked to me and gave me a kiss.

'This look so good, thank you' I said walking towards the plates of Chicken and Waffles he had made.

'You look good in that shirt mama' he said and I cheesed

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'You look good in that shirt mama' he said and I cheesed.

'How you know I was gon pick it out?' I said to him whilst putting a piece of chicken in my mouth.

'You don't think I know that's your favourite show? Every time we around each other, that's all we watch' and I laughed.

'Whatever' I said and I took a sip of water.

After we finished up eating, I washed up the dishes and then we sat on the couch together.

I was not meant to sleep for that much, but I was knocked out after last night.

'How you feeling today baby?' He asked me.

'I'm feeling good. Feeling a lil pain, but I'm feeling alright' I said and he laughed.

'What you wanna do today?' He asked me whilst he rubbed on my thigh.

'Hmm I don't know. Can we go drive around?' I said smiling at him.

'You lucky I love you. Let's go' he said standing up and grabbing his keys.

In the car 2:00pm

'Hey girlllll, long time no talk' my bestie Kayla said to me through my airpods.

'Girlll, do I have some stuff to fill you in on' I said to her as Nathan walked out of the car into the gas station.

'What? You had sex?' She asked me and I stayed silent.

'AHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm so happy for you' she screamed causing me to turn my volume down.

'Girl shhhhh. You so loud' I laughed at her.

'When? Where? How was itttt?' She asked me.

'Well, it was yesterday and it felt great. You ain't warn me that it was gon be that painful' I joked with her.

'Whatever girl. You juss like me now' she joked and I laughed.

'Not even close girl. Anyway imma come see you later. What time you finish?' I asked her.

'I finish at 6. Bring me some food plsss bestie. Love youuuu' she said and I laughed.

'You annoying. Love you girl' I said and I ended the call just in time as Nathan came back into the car.

'That line was so long in there. That cashier was trying me' he said and I laughed at him.

'Boy bye' I said as he passed me my candy and started up his car.

We finished driving around and then he dropped me home.

'I'm gonna call you later. I need to go see Kayla. I haven't seen her in so long' I said to him as he parked outside my house.

'So you leaving me?' He joked and I tried to peck him but he prolonged the kiss, making it sloppy. I can't say I didn't enjoy it.

'You gon let this get too far' I said and he chuckled.

'I love you baby' he said as I walked out of his car.

'I love You too' i replied and blew him one more kiss as I unlocked the door to get into my house.

Kayla's House 7:00pm

I pulled up outside Kaylas house with a McDonald's bag in my hand and my purse in the other.

'Heyyyy girlll. Ooo you look so good I could just eat you out-I'm meant up' she joked and I bussed out laughing.

'Girl you so silly' I laughed with her and she took the bag outta my hand.

'Ooo you got nuggets??? Thank you girl' she said as we both sat on her couch.

'You fixed it up real nice in here girl' I said to her taking my fries outta the bag

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'You fixed it up real nice in here girl' I said to her taking my fries outta the bag.

'Mmm thank you girl. So what's been going on witchu?' She said dipping her nugget into her barbecue sauce.

'Well where do I begin?' I said to her and explained the last few months to her. From beginning to now.

Damn it's really been that long.

'She did what???? She lucky I wasn't there or I would've handled that' she said and I laughed.

'But yeah that's all that's been happening' I said to her and sighed.

'So how you feeling? Like how's yo stomach?' she said looking at it.

'It's feeling a lot better, it still make weird noises but other than that, I feel a lot better and stronger' I said to her and she sighed.

'I wish you told me girl. You been silent for long' she said.

'I know girl, I had a lot going on. I'm sorry' I said and she nodded.

'It's alright girl, you know I love you. Anyways let's watch this movie' she said switching on the TV.

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