I will wait for you

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2 days later
Nathan's POV :

It had officially been 2 weeks since everything happened. Char woke up, but she ain't been the same and I haven't seen her since we talked at church. I missed her though.

I know she not leaving the house cause Paris disappeared.

But I'm gon find her. Char deserve that much.

I know if I text her, she gon respond, so that's what I'm gon do. My old phone had her number, so I used that phone to start texting her.

Crazy don't deserve or need my new number.


Oh look who's finally come to their senses. 🤭

Hm. Where you at ?

I'm at home. You wanna come to the crib ? 😋

Imma pull up.

Alright, imma be here waiting. 🥰


My plan was to come by her house by 5.

But I wasn't gon come alone.

I used my normal phone now to call Mr Johnson, and tell him the plan.

'Hey Nathan! How are you son?' He said to me through the phone.

'I've been alright sir. Anyway I got a plan' I said to him.

'Just tell me when and where. Imma be there with the police. We not gon let her away this time' he said and I nodded.

I ran through the plan with him and we both agreed. I told him not to tell Char, I wanted to tell her myself. I just wanted to get this sorted.

Outside Paris' house 5pm

I texted Mr Johnson one final time. He was waiting in the car. I knew what happened with Paris and her brothers last time, so I knew this time not to come alone.

I rang her doorbell. 'Heyyy' she said and she ran into me and gave me a hug.

'How you been?' I asked her to kill some time.

'I been good. You know the police was tryna put me inside cause of your fat girlfriend. Telling me I poisoned her' she said as she sat on the couch.

'Nah you wouldn't do nothing like that' I lied.

'I know baby. That's why I left the first chance I got' she said as she turned on her TV.

'I see you here. Things didn't work out with you and Rasputia?' She said and I looked at her.

'We ain't need to talk about her here. We need to talk about us' I said and I looked at her.

'Finally, I missed us' she said. 'I'm sorry about what happened with my brothers, I was just upset. But if you're willing, I'd love us to be together again'

When she said that, I thought I felt my stomach cave in. She really think I'm gon mess with her again huh? Scary ass.

'Hm' i said. 'Why you sitting all the way over there?' I said so she could get up and walk past her front window, so Mr Johnson could get the signal to come in.

She stood up and walked to sit next to me. 'I missed this' she said, and at that moment the doorbell rang again.

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