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3 weeks later
Charlene's POV :

It's been 3 weeks since Biz' funeral, and now I'm 18 weeks. I'm well into my second trimester and I've started feeling it more now. I feel tired all the time, my lower back feels a bit sore, and I've been so moody.

We were getting ready to go my scan, and we were hoping to see the genders today. I didn't have any hopes for any genders, I was just feeling blessed that God gave me with not one but two babies. Nathan still wanted his girl though, I was indifferent. Either would be amazing.

We weren't having a gender reveal party because I hadn't spoken to my dad in a month, however my mom is still saying he'll come around. I'm still gonna send him the genders when we get them, I don't wanna leave him out.

I was really excited to see my babies, I hadn't seen them in a while and I was missing them.

I put on my black velour tracksuit and tied my hair up into a bun. I had just got tape-ins but in and I was really liking it. I was looking cute at least, even if I wasn't feeling it. These babies been making me so tired and sick lately.

'You ready to go mama?' Nathan asked me and he came behind me and rubbed my stomach.

'Yeah, I hope we can see the genders today. I pray everything is alright with our babies' I said and he cheesed.

'Everything's gon be alright mama. We serve a God that never fails us, remember that' he said as we walked out of the apartment complex and outside to the car.

We got into the car and started driving to the hospital. We were still going to the out of state hospital cause I didn't feel comfortable going to my family doctor. She was also my dad's friend and from his reaction, I was scared to see what the family doctor would say too.

'These cars out here driving reckless' Nathan said as he looked into the window of the car that had just overtaken him.

'I know right, you have not 1 but 3 passengers on board here. They better be careful' I joked and Nathan chuckled.

'You right mama, you right. I got my prized possessions in here' he said and I smiled and rubbed my stomach.

I then felt a faint kick in my stomach, but I thought I was trippin. I've been imagining fake kicks since the week after I found out I was pregnant.

Then I felt another little kick, and I knew this couldn't just be my imagination.

'Baby, I just felt them kick. I'm not sure if it was one of them or both of them, but I felt a kick twice' I said as tears started welling in my eyes.

'You sure baby?' He said and I saw his eyes widen whilst he stared at me, but was trying to focus on the road.

'Yeah' I said and wiped loose tears from my cheeks. I just wanted to get to the hospital now, and see my babies. I didn't wanna wait any longer.

15 Minutes Later
Nathan's POV :

We got parked and we waited in the waiting area for our nurse to call out our name. And Char was growing impatient.

'When I was scared to find out I was pregnant, this waiting time went quick, but now I'm excited it wanna be moving all slow' she whispered shouted to me and laughed at her.

I truly loved seeing her excited about the babies and her pregnancy. I missed seeing my Peace happy, and now that she was again, I was gon make sure she stayed happy.

'Charlene Winston?' The nurse called out and Char jolted out of the chair. It was like she forgot she was 18 weeks pregnant.

'Slow down ma' I joked to her and we entered the ultrasound room.

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