Getting to know you

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Charlene's POV :

'Is it bad that im waiting for him to text?' I asked as I was on FaceTime to my friend Kayla

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'Is it bad that im waiting for him to text?' I asked as I was on FaceTime to my friend Kayla.

'No girl. You like himmm' she teased as she brushed her weave and tied it up on the top of her head.

'I don't even know yet. I feel something different about him though. Like we are meant to know each other. I don't know girl, it's a weird feeling' I explained to her whilst scrolling on Instagram.

'Ion know that feeling girl. I don't be seeing guys in that way. I just want my needs satisfied then im onto the next. I don't have time to catch feelings' she joked.

'Girl you so badddd' I laughed. 'We need to find you someone'

'No thanks. I like being free. You don't have to worry bout nobody or nothing. If you wanna talk to this guy and sleep with that guy, you can. No chains' she joked as she placed her bonnet on her head and tucked the loose bits of hair in.

'Girl bye. I love the feeling of a relationship. Having that feeling of relief that you've finally found your person' I said as I walked into my bathroom to start my skincare routine.

'That's why you're the emotional one and I'm the nonchalant one. We balance each other out' she laughed and I laughed with her.

'You so annoying girl. Anyways imma finish of my skincare and I'll talk to you later or tomorrow. I don't think he'll text anyways' I said opening my cleanser and pouring a bit onto my cotton pad.

'Girl give it time. I'll talk you later. Love you bestie' she said.

'Love you too girl' I said and ended the call.

I finished up my skincare routine and finished off in the bathroom. I shut off the lights and walked out and realised I had forgotten my phone there. I went back and I picked it up seeing a message from an unknown number. My heart dropped.

Unknown Number
Hey ma, I'm sorry I'm messaging so late. I just got in, I hope it's not to late.

No it's okay. And hey. It's fine, I just finished up everything I have to do. So I can give you all my time. 😭

I appreciate it ma. I'm gon facetime you though.

HES GONNA WHAT???????? I'm not ready for that yet 😭

Okay. Gimme a min tho.

*30 seconds later*
*incoming call*
Damn. Alright then. 😭

'Hey' I said nervously, only showing my eye and eyebrow in the camera.

'Why you not showing your face ma?' he questioned as he placed his phone onto something as he connected his game.

This damn game.

'I got my spot cream and everything on my face' I laughed shyly.

'Ion care about that ma. I've seen you in real life. You good' he said adjusting his headset.

'Yeah I guess' I said keeping my phone in its same position.

'So tell me about you' he said.

'Well my name is Charlene Johnson. I'm 18 turning 19 on December 5th. Im graduating this summer just like you' I laughed softly and he chuckled too. 'I have 1 older sister called Carmen and 1 younger sister called Chyna. I'm the middle child. I live with both my parents and I'm originally from Atlanta but we moved to Philly when I was 3, so I've basically been here my whole life. I don't remember much about Atlanta if I'm being honest' I adjusted myself and didn't realise I had now put my whole face on the camera.

'Even with your spot cream you still look beautiful' he said now starting at the camera and I blushed.

'Oh stop' I said hiding my face. 'Now tell me about you'

'Don't hide now' he joked. 'Well my story ain't as interesting as yours. I live with my moms. My pops died when I was 5.'

'I'm so sorry for your loss' I interrupted feeling horrible now.

'You good ma' he chuckled softly. 'I miss him so much, but it's getting easier now. But where was I? Oh yeah. I have a little brother named Nico and an older brother called Neymar. He lives a bit further away so I don't see him too often anymore, with school, work and all that' he shrugged.

'Oh so you the middle child like me' I joked and he laughed.

'I guess you could say that'

'Lemme ask you a question though' he said and I felt my stomach drop.

'Go-go ahead' I said shakily.

'Lemme take you out tomorrow' he said smoothly.

I hope y'all are enjoying this so far. It's so fun to write. Anyways don't forget to comment and vote. Until next time...🥰

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