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The next day - Nathan's Apartment 8:00am
Charlene's POV :

I woke up and untangled myself from Nathans arms. He fell asleep on my chest, so I let him rest and just watched a few movies to keep myself company. I went into his bathroom and got myself together. Thankfully, I had some clothes and a wash bag here, so I got my hygiene together.

After I finished up in the bathroom, I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was empty. I remembered that Nathan was drinking yesterday, so I snuck back into the room, took the half-drunk bottle and left the room again.

I poured it down the sink, and left to get him some groceries. It was for his own good.

At the Store - 9:45am

'That'll be $30.45 sweetie' the cashier said to me with a smile and I nodded.

I tapped my card onto the machine and grabbed my bags ready to walk.

'You take care now' the cashier said to me as I got my bags situated on the floor.

'You too ma'am. Stay blessed' I said and the lady smiled.

I walked to my car and unlocked it. I opened up my trunk and put the bags inside. I pressed the button on my trunk so it could go down, and I walked to the drivers seat, got in and pulled away.

Back at Nathan's Apartment 10:30am
Charlene's POV :

When I got back, I put the groceries away and started cooking. By the time Nathan was gonna wake up, it would be midday. So I made him some wings.


I heard rustling in the room, so I knew that Nathan was waking up

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I heard rustling in the room, so I knew that Nathan was waking up. I sat down at the breakfast bar and went on my phone waiting for him.

He came out of his room and looked at me. He had showered and gotten dressed for the day, he looked a lot better than yesterday.

'You okay baby? I made you some wings' I said to him as he came and sat with me.

'Thank you ma' he said taking the plate from me and just staring at it.

'Is it okay? I could make something else if you want' I said to him and he ignored me.

I didn't really know what to do here, I didn't wanna push him but I didn't want him to shut me out. I didn't wanna give him space, I don't want him to be alone with his thoughts.

'I'll eat later' he said and pushed the plate away from him. I got up, covered the plate and put it in the fridge.

'You feeling okay?' I asked him as I toyed with my fingers.

'Where my bottle at?' He asked me, ignoring my question.

'I poured it away' I said to him calmly.

'Why you do that?' He asked me aggressively.

'You know that's not you, and it's dangerous. Talk to me, pray, do something. Just not that' I answered him.

'You ain't have no right to do that. You acting like you my wife or mama or something' he snapped at me and I stared at him. My heart sank.

'I just didn't want you to hurt yourself' I responded to him.

'Ight bruh' he said and he stood up. He picked up his car keys and left the house.

At the store :
Nathans POV :

I drove to the store and parked up. I walked to the place where they stored the drinks and I picked up 2 bottles. One Jack Daniels and one Hennessy.

'Nathan?' I heard and I turned around. Paris was infront of me.

'Yo' I told her as I picked up my bottles.

'You look horrible. What's up witchu?' She asked me.

'Life' I answered her.

'You wanna talk about it?' She said and I looked at her. I contemplated it for a second, and then agreed.

'Yeah come on' I said to her, payed for my drinks and walked to my car with her. And we drove back to my house.

Charlene's POV :

I didn't wanna leave on our last conversation, we promised each other we wouldn't do that anymore.

So I stayed.

I cleaned out his refrigerator, and I washed all his dishes. I just wanted to pass the time, and I didn't wanna overthink. I knew I had to be patient with him at a time like this.

I was sat in his front room on my phone, when I heard footsteps outside the door. My heart started to race, I didn't know what his reaction would be if he saw me in his apartment still.

He walked in and put his bag down. I heard and saw a woman behind him and my throat caught in my throat. It was Paris.

'Oh you still here?' Nathan slurred to me and Paris laughed.

'What is she doing here?' I questioned him and he mugged me.

'Don't worry about it shorty' he said to me and stumbled toward the coach and sat down.

'Come on down here baby' he said to Paris and she walked toward the couch and sat down.

'You can let yourself out' she smiled at me creepily and at that moment I saw red.

I grabbed her by her hair and starting punching her in the face.

'Ay yo, yo. What you doing bruh?' Nathan pulled me off of her and checked her face. 'You alright?' He said and looked to me.

'You need to leave man' he said to me and I stared back at him.

'Nah, I wanna beat her one more time' Paris shouted from behind him and I laughed.

'Mm okay' I smiled and walked out.

I got all the way to my car and then I broke down.

How could he do this to me?

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