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Charlene's POV :

I quietly sobbed as I looked at the test result. I was pregnant. Now it all made sense. The warm feeling I felt in my stomach when me and Nathan first had sex, my missed period last month, which I ignored due to my periods sometimes being irregular.

I didn't even know how I was going to tell Nathan. I didn't know how I was going to tell my parents. There was so much racing through my mind: what would the church think? What would my parents think? Would Nathan stay with me during the pregnancy?

I did the only thing I knew how. I prayed.

'Dear God, I'm feeling so lost right now. I'm so scared and I know You didn't make me with the spirit of fear. I don't know how I'm gonna have a baby when I'm just a baby myself, and I'm feeling so drained. Lord, I just don't know about anything'... I started and by the time the prayer was over I was crying.

I sent the picture of my test to Nathan and shut my phone off. I was too scared to see what he'd say.


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Next Day 7:30am
Nathan's POV :

I woke up early this morning to sort myself out. I got my hygiene sorted and made myself breakfast. I did all that and forgot that I hadn't checked my phone all morning.

I unlocked it to see an attachment from Char so I opened it and when I did, I almost choked on my water.

I tried calling her and calling her and it was going straight to voicemail.

So I drove to her house.

At Char's house - 9:00am

I rang her doorbell and her mom answered.

'Morning Nathan. You hungry?' She asked me as she let me in and shut the door.

'Good morning ma'am, and no I'm good. I ate already. Is Char up? We was meant to be going out today' I said to her and she looked unsure.

'I don't think so, I'll wake her up and tell her you're down here' her mom said and she walked upstairs. She came down 2 minutes later.

'How you holding up son?' She asked me as we sat in the front room together.

'I mean, it's hard. He was like my brother. In his last months, we didn't talk much and I regret that with all my heart and I'm gon have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life. I like to keep myself busy during the day so I'm not alone with my thoughts' I started and Mrs Johnson listened intently.

'I'm so sorry. If there's anything you or Biz' mom need, we will always be here' she said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen. 'I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. These grits ain't gon cook themselves' she joked and I chuckled.

45 minutes later

I heard slow footsteps coming downstairs and when Char walked in, she looked like she'd been crying for hours.

I stood up and pulled her into me and she sobbed into my chest. 'I'm so sorry' she whispered as she cried.

Thankfully the kitchen door was closed so her mom couldn't hear us, and her dad was in their office working.

We said goodbye to everyone and went back to my apartment. By the time we got there, Char was exhausted and had fallen asleep on the couch.

'Damn, I'm really gon be a dad' I said to myself in disbelief. I was happy, cause I knew I wanted kids with Char. I just didn't know it would happen this early on.

I know she not feeling the greatest about the baby, and I don't wanna push her into doing something she's not comfortable doing. When she woke up, we was gon talk. We had too.

2 hours later

Char had finally woken up and it was time for our talk. 'We need to talk mama' I said to her and she walked over to the breakfast bar where I was sitting.

'I'm so sorry Nathan. I didn't mean to ruin your life. We should've never had sex on that day. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry' she said and she held her head in her hands sobbing.

It was honestly painful to watch.

'Mama, stop. You ain't ruined nothing. I'm glad we had sex on that day, it connected us even more. Now we locked in for life, and you know I'm not going nowhere. You got me for as long as you want me' I started.

'I obviously know it's now ideal for us to be having a kid at this age, cause we still kids. Whatever your decision is, I'm gon support you. No matter what. Cause I love you. So much ma. And I hate seeing you this way. Anything I can do to make it better, I'll do it' I finished and she started crying all over again.

'I don't know what to do. How am I gonna tell my parents? When am I gonna tell them? I honestly just. What if I'm not a good mom?' She said and I got up and grabbed her hand.

I led her back to the couch and I sat down and made her snuggle into me.

'You gon stay here for a few days whilst we figure out what to tell your parents and my mama. I'll buy you everything and all you need. You're safe here baby. This your house too. Heck you already got most of your stuff here' I said to her and she chuckled slightly.

'I love you' she said looking up at me and I pecked her lips. 'I can't believe you kissed me with vomit breath yesterday' she joked and I shook my head.

'I can't either. That just shows how much I love you. Wouldn't catch me doing none of that with no other girl' I said to her and she laughed.

'You love me?' She said and I shook my head. 'Whatever' she smacked her teeth.

'Tomorrow we need to go to hospital though. To see all the details and stuff' I said to her and rubbed on her back.

'I can't. My family doctor works there and she'll definitely tell my parents' she responded panicked.

'Okay mama, just relax. We'll go to a doctor out of town' I reassured her and she relaxed again.

Next day - 10am
Charlene's POV :

I was so nervous for today, I guess I just didn't know what to expect. I don't think we'll see the gender today, I can't be that far along. I just thought I was gaining weight cause me and Nathan keep eating out.

I was already overwhelmed as is, and I didnt know how I was gonna handle this news. This makes it real I guess.

'You ready to go baby?' Nathan asked me as we arrived outside the out of state Hospital and I nodded hesitantly.

'I don't know what really prepares you for this kind of thing to be honest' I said to him as we walked into the hospital hand in hand.

Nathan had made us an appointment cause I couldn't bring myself to, so now we were waiting for our name to be called.

'Charlene Winston' the doctor called out and I looked at Nathan and smiled.

'You cute' I played around with him and he mugged me. 'Don't hide now. Own it. You wanna make me your wife. Just admit it' I said laughing and walking to go meet the nurse.

'Whatever' he said and mugged me again.

'Just follow me please' thé doctor said kindly and I nodded.

As I got situated in the hospital bed to get my ultrasound done, I was shaking with fear. 'I'm actually about to see my baby' I said to Nathan.

'Okay, this'll be a bit cold. Just relax mama, your gonna be alright' the nurse said to me as she could feel and almost hear my heart beating.

She connected the TV and there my baby was.

'Wait, why is there two?' I asked the nurse as she looked up at the screen.

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