We good?

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Nathan's POV :
'Ughhh who's that interrupting us?' She said and she rolled her eyes ignoring the door.

'You not gon answer it?' I said and she got up and walked towards the door.

'Ugh you annoying bae' she said and smiled back at me and she opened the door.

Standing at the door was Mr Johnson and 3 police officers. She really thought she was gon get away.

'What did you do Nathan?' She shouted as she tried to run out of the door past the police.

'Not so fast miss. We got CCTV, you ain't going nowhere' the police said as they handcuffed her and walked her towards the squad car.

'I'm gon be back. You just wait' she said to me staring me down.

'Yeah whatever bruh' I sucked my teeth at her.

After the police drove off with her in the car, my mind was only on one thing. Char. I miss her so much and I'm gon make her see it today.

'Thanks for everything Mr Johnson' I said to him and dapped him up.

'Go get your girl son. Don't you hurt her again' he warned me then broke a smile.

I got into my car and got up Char's contact and called it.

'What you want ba-Nathan' she said to me bluntly.

'Don't think I ain't her that. I'm coming to get you, wait for me' I said and I hung up on her.

I'm tired of her ignoring me. We gon get this straightened out.

Outside Char's house
Charlene's POV :

My mind was running a mile a minute wondering why he wanted to see me. I was tryna stay mad at him, but I couldn't. I missed my man.

I got changed into a black 2 piece with some Ugg's and some lip gloss. Simple yet cute.

'Yesss' I said, admiring myself in the mirror. Being with Nathan definitely helped me with my confidence a lot. I was extremely grateful for him.

When I was done, I waited in my living room and then I got a call from him.

'Come outside' he said to me.

'And if I don't?' I said back to him.

'Quit playing. Come outside' he said and ended the call. I was excited but I'm not gon show him that. What I look like?

I said bye to my family and walked to his car. I could see him watching me intently and my knees were weakening. 

I got in and closed the door and he captured my lips in a kiss. It was passionate and sloppy.

'What was that for?' I said to him and he just looked at me. 'What is you staring for?' I said to him looking away.

'Lemme take you somewhere' he said still staring me down.

'Hmmmm' I said and he started his car.

'Well damn' I said to him and he drove off from outside my house.

As we drove, I stared at the scenery and people rushing home and around. Then I felt his hand on my thigh, and I felt my heart start to race.

'Just relax mama' he said to me as he stroked my thigh, still watching the road.

I don't know how he knows how nervous I be getting.

'I'm surprised my parents even let me come out witchu. You know, with your ex still being out there and all' I said to him and looked out of the window.

'You don't gotta worry about her no more' he said plainly.

'And why not?' I questioned him. 'She in your apartment or something?' and he just stared at me.

'She in prison' he said and my eyes opened wide. I felt a huge relief off my shoulders.  I haven't been sleeping, eating or doing anything I used to. Her being out there somewhere scared me so much, and now it was all over, it didn't even feel real.

'Wow' I said. I didn't have much to say at all. I was just thankful.

'Thank you' I said. Knowing he had something to do with it.

'You don't gotta worry ma. I told you I got you. Right?' He said and I nodded.

'I guess' I said and he sucked his teeth.

'We here' he said and I looked out of the window.

We were at his house.

I didn't even have any smart remarks at this point cause I was ready to go and nap. I was tired.

As we walked into his apartment, I set my purse down on his chair and removed my shoes. I sat on the couch and he joined me.

We was watching a movie and he was staring intently in my face and I felt it. So I paused the movie.

'Yes sir?' I said looking down at him.

'Nothing' he said continuing to look at me.

My insides were going crazy, I ain't never felt like this before.

'Well can you stop?' I laughed.

'Nah' he said and I just turned away.

He sat up and put his hand under my chin to make me look at him.

'I missed you so much mama. And I'm sorry for everything. Every single thing. I don't what more to say or do to show you that it's just me and you. I'll do anything though' he said.

'You being here is enough for me. I don't want no fancy gifts or dinners. You enough for me, and ion wanna share you with anyone else' I said and he cheesed. I can't lie, I surprised myself with that.

I have never really been the type to express how I'm feeling, cause with my last relationship, he didn't give me that opportunity. But for the first time in my life, I actually feel loved and in love with someone, and I ain't letting it pass me up.

'Say it again' he said and he inches closer and closer to my face.

'No get out of my face sir. You always tryna play' I said to him and he came closer.

He cupped my cheek and he leaned to kiss me. His tongue slid into my mouth and I gave it back to him, the same amount. He went from my lips to my neck and starting sucking on it and I let out a soft moan.

'Mm' I said and he chuckled continuing what he was doing.

'I think...I'm ready' I said and he looked up at me.

Yay they're backkkk. My favs. Char is ready??? For what?????? Come back to see what happens next. Until next time..🥰🥰🥰

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