Im sorry

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5 days later 7:30am
Nathan's POV :

Char's parents extended all of our stays, as Char still hadn't woken up, and Mr Johnson was still in the works of putting Paris in jail. We now had the CCTV from that day, so our case is looking very strong.

Char's parents went to get her sisters some food and freshen up, so they said I should stay with her.

I would've anyway.

I decided to talk to her about everything that's going on properly.

'Hey mama. I haven't spoken to you in over a week now. Im missing you like crazy. I miss everything about you. And I'm sorry. I really am. I hate how our last conversation ended, cause I hate fighting with you' i started.

'I love you so much ma and im sorry this happened to you. I blame myself, I shouldn't have lied to you. There was no reason too. I should've told you the real reason I left Paris but I didn't. I hate that I didn't' I said to her, and I stroked her hand with my thumb.

I felt her finger twitch, and I thought I was tripping. Then it twitched again.

'Char? Baby?' I said to her as her eyes slowly opened, she smiled at me and that was the most calm I've felt in the last week.

'I missed you. Let me call your parents to come back' I said and I pulled out my phone and started to message her dad. She was smiling at me then she stopped.

Something was hurting her but I didn't know what.

'You okay mama? I asked her and I stood up. She looked awful.

'I...water...please' she struggled and I poured her water from the jug by her bed quickly.

I handed it to her and she drank it all.

'Feeling better?' I asked her and she nodded.

'I want my parents' she said and I checked my phone.

'They outside, they coming right now' I said to her.

Her parents crashed into the room, with her sisters running behind.

'My baby! You're okay. Thank God' her mom and dad shouted. Her sisters were crying.

'I want you to leave Nathan' I heard Char say and all the cheer stopped.

'Are you sure baby? It wasn't his fault' her mom tried to defend me.

My heart dropped, this wasn't what I wanted but I respected her enough to listen to her.

She deserved that much.

'Goodbye Char. Thankful you're okay' I said and I walked out of the room.

I left the hospital altogether. I went to the hotel, packed up all my stuff and left.


Aw it's over between the two lovebirds. I'm sad. Anyone else? Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time..🥰

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