Sunday morning

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Charlene's POV :

'Not too much, not too little' I said to myself as I looked in the mirror gassing myself up

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'Not too much, not too little' I said to myself as I looked in the mirror gassing myself up. I was actually done before my mama this week.

'Charlene!' My mom said as she came down the stairs.

'I'm here mama' I said calmly and she turned around and jumped. I laughed at her.

'Don't do that again. Almost made me have a heart attack. You want me to live long don't you?' She joked.

'Girl bye' i laughed with her.

Church 10:00am

'Take ya time sister' one lady in the congregation shouted

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'Take ya time sister' one lady in the congregation shouted. This was backed up by a series of amens.

I then got a tap on my shoulder and it was a pretty brown skinned lady. She looked around her 40s. She had a tall boy behind him. I'm guessing it was her son. He was faced the other way, it looked like he was trying to switch of his phone or something.

'Hey baby. Can we sit with you?' She asked smiling from ear to ear.

'Of course you can ma'am' I said smiling back at her and moving my purse.

Her son finally turned around and my stomach dropped. It was Paul.

'Excuse me mama. I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick' I said and scurried out of the service.

I ran into the stall and instantly started throwing up my guts. It was as if I was pregnant or had food poisoning. Which I was neither. Thank God.

I didn't even notice I had ran past Nathan and his mom.

'You okay mama?' I heard from a familiar voice outside my stall.

'Yeah just give me a minute' I said trying to sound perked up.

'No you not. Come out ma' Nathan said softly.

I slowly opened the door and he saw my mascara tear stained face. Thankfully I didn't have any vomit on me.

'What's going on mama? You can talk to me you know' he said.

'My ex. Paul. He's sitting in the isle with me and my mama. I feel sick to my stomach' I explained starting to cry again.

'Did he see you? You don't need to cry mama. I'm here with you. It's gon be alright' he said pulling me into a hug and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I felt so much comfort in his arms, but I couldn't stop myself from crying. We stood in that same position for what seemed like a long time. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I never really understood how much Paul actually scarred me.

I backed up from Nathan and wiped my face up. I fixed my makeup, reapplied my lipstick and fixed my face. I thankfully had some mouthwash in my bag, so I gargled that and I was ready to go back into the service.

'You ready to go?' Nathan asked me.

'Yes' I said.

He interlocked our fingers and we walked into the service. We sat at the back together. I just figured, id meet up with my mom at the end of service.

We both took out our journals and started noting down what the pastor was saying. We stayed with our hands interlocked the whole service.

Hey guys. This chapter is short because there's drama coming in the next chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote. Until next time....🥰

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