Im so proud of you

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2 weeks later - Charlene's Grad Day 9:30am
Charlene's POV :

It's been 2 weeks since Nathan's graduation and now it's my turn. I felt so nervous for today and I didn't know why. I can't believe I've finally done it, and I'm about to graduate today.

Kayla, my parents, Nathan's mama and Nathan were all coming to my ceremony today. I woke up today to get myself ready. I did my skincare, and my makeup.
I wore a fitted white dress that accentuated my curves with some white heels. I got my nails done in black, and I loved them.

After I was ready, I did my Bible study and then I prayed. I tried so hard not to cry during it but thinking of how far God has brought me was so emotional. I truly did not believe I'd make it to graduation cause of the state of depression I was in a few years ago.

I started missing school, eating away my feelings and I stopped talking to everyone I ever cared about. Even God. I was broken, and now I feel like the best I've ever felt. And all I could do was thank God, without him I would be nothing.

After I finished my prayer, I touched up my makeup and got a text from Nathan.


Good morning baby. I know you probably up right now nervous, but you graduating today and I could not be anymore proud of you. I love You. See you later.

I smiled to myself and then I heard my parents call for me. It was time to leave.

I walked downstairs and my family all just watched me in awe.

'Aww my baby. I just know I'm gon be crying the whole day. Words cannot describe how proud I am of you' my mom said as she wiped away a tear from her face.

'Char, you're gonna do amazing things and I'm so proud of you' my dad said to me as he blinked back his tears.

'You look so beautiful sissy' my sister Carmen said and I hugged her.

'Right my crew, let's go!' My mom shouted as we all began to leave and I laughed.

Let's do this.

At the ceremony - 11:30am

'Baby, you look fabulous. I can't wait to see what your future holds pretty girl, you deserve this' Nathan's mama said and I smiled at her sincerely trying to do cry.

'Thank you so much ma'am' I said to her and then I looked at my bestie Kayla.

'My girl gon be a whole graduate!!!' She said and I laughed. 'But I'm so proud of you, and I love you foreva'

I pulled her in for hug and hit her on her arm afterward for almost ruining my makeup.

I couldn't see Nathan anywhere, but I hoped he would be here soon cause the ceremony is about to start.

I walked over to where my classmates were sitting and sat down.

'Wow, look at my class of bright and promising adults. When I first met most of you, you were tiny and mouthing off your teachers. Now, look at all of you. Graduating with futures brighter than ever. I'm so proud of all of you. Thank you for making me so proud, and I'm so excited to see how you all do in your later lives' my chancellor said and I fanned my eyes to stop the tears from streaming down my face.

I hadn't even got my award or taken pictures yet, they better stop.

A few more speeches were made and then it was time for awards.

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