You said what?

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Nathan's POV :
1 month after Graduation

'Nathan, please come downstairs son. I need to talk to you' my mom called to me from the kitchen.

'Can it wait mama? I'm tryna finish something' I said to her. I lied. I wasn't trying to finish anything, I just got comfy and she called down again.

'No Nathan. Please just come on. It's urgent' she said and she sounded very sad so I went down.

'Yes ma'am?' I said to her and she ushered me to the breakfast stool in the kitchen.

'You being weird. Why it look like you've been crying? Is everything okay? You need some money?' I asked her. I help my mama pay the bills when she need the help, so i just thought maybe I gave her the wrong amount of money or something.

'No son. I don't know how to say this' she said to me looking at me solemnly and I stared at her blankly.

'Just say it ma. Whatever it is I'm sure I'm gon be fine after'  I joked and she just stared at me.

'It's Biz' she said to me and I stared at her confused.

'What he do? He got arrested again? I told him to stop that stealing' I laughed and my mom continued to stare at me.

'No...he got hit by a car at 1am this morning. It was bad' my mom said me, wiping a loose tear from her face.

'Why you saying 'was'? He's alright isn't he?' I asked her now feeling something weird in my gut.

'I'm sorry son. They couldn't save him. He died in hospital' she said and I just stared at her.

'Ain't no way bruh' I said standing up and walking back and forth. I could feel my whole chest caving in. I just couldn't thug it out.

This hurt me man.

'No way bruh' I cried into my moms arms.

'I know baby. I know' she comforted me, crying aswell.

This was one of the worst types of pain I've felt, after my dad. I hadn't seen him in months. We both never made time for each other, I had school, work and Char. And he started trapping. The thing is I ain't even know.

When you get into that life, there's only one way out. I didn't even know what was going on in his life, and he didn't know what was going in mine.

I felt so much guilt. We hadn't spoken properly in months man. I needed my peace, so I called Char.

'Hey baby. You okay?' She asked as she answered the phone.

'Come to the crib. My crib' I said to her and ended the call.

30 minutes later - Nathans Apartment
Charlene's POV :

I walked up the stairs inside Nathan's apartment complex and I didn't feel great. I felt something was off. With him. He sounded off and I felt it when he called me.

I got to outside his door and I rang his bell. He opened it, and his eyes were red and puffy, like he'd been crying.

'You okay?' I said as he let me in and shut the door behind me.

He pulled me into a hug, and I knew something wasn't right. Then I heard him crying.

'What's wrong papa?' I asked him and I pulled him away from me to look at him.

'He's gone man' he said to me and I was confused.

'Who?' I asked him.

'Biz' he said and he walked over to his fridge.

He pulled out a bottle of Hennessy and started downing it straight from the bottle.

'Talk to me. Leaning on that isn't gonna help you baby' I said to him and he just stared at me blankly.

'Get out bruh' he said to me and I just looked at him.

'But you not okay, and I'm not gonna leave you in this state' I said to him and he put the bottle down.

'You ain't needed here no more. You can let yourself out' he said and walked into his room and slammed the door. He took the bottle with him.

I swallowed the knot in my throat and walked towards the door.

I wasn't gonna leave him. Regardless of whether he wanted me too or not, it didn't feel right. I wanted to make sure he'd be okay.

I walked back toward his rooms door and opened it. I took my shoes off and climbed onto his bed. I took his head into my chest and he wrapped his arms around my body.

'I'm so sorry baby' I said to him and he tightened his grip around me. I didn't like seeing him like this.

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