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1 week later 7:30am
Charlene's POV :

It's been a week since I woke up, and life's been real hard since I've gotten back. My parents drive me everywhere and pick me up. I sometimes get weird painful feelings in my stomach.

And obviously I don't have Nathan anymore.

I could hear everything he was saying to me whilst I wasn't here and I just don't understand. Why would he lie? Why wouldn't he just tell me? I'd never judge him or look at him any different. Cause I love him.

Loved him.

I woke up early this morning because we had to go to church. So I wanted to do my early morning devotion and Bible study. I just wanted to go back to normal.


'Let's go everyone' my mom ushered us all into the car.

We were leaving earlier today, one to get a good seat and two because we had a function after church and my mama wanted to help set up.


We walked into church and I saw some familiar faces so I smiled and waved. They all heard what happened to me in Hawaii, and everyone told me that they prayed for me and that they missed me.

I thanked them all and walked into the main building where I went and watched everyone setting up for service.

I then saw Nathan's mom and I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Cause I knew that meant Nathan was close by.

I started to speed walk out of the door and then I heard my name.

'Charlene? Is that you?' I heard a woman's voice behind me say, and it was Nathan's mama. I will always treat her respectfully cause I actually really like her.

'Hey Ms Smith' I said to her and gave her a hug.

'How you doing baby? You looking well. You looking like you atleast' she said to me smiling.

'I'm doing alright ma'am. Trying to get back to normal everyday you know' I told her.

'I'm sorry for everything that went down with Nathan. He misses you a lot' she said to me.

'Thank you Ms Smith. I guess I just need time right now' I said to her truthfully.

I didn't know if I was completely done with Nathan, but I knew I had a lot of love for him and I knew that there was something special there. Something I couldn't ignore, no matter how much I tried.

'Take all the time you need baby. You stay well alright?' She said to me and I nodded.

She walked off and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Now to avoid Nathan. I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him yet, but I did miss him.

Church Function 2:00pm

Church was over and everyone went out to the gardens that was set up real nice.

'It's so beautiful out here' I said to my friend Mari as we walked together to get some food.

I got my food and was ready to walk back to find a seat and I saw Nathan walk past me.

We locked eyes for what felt like hours, but it was just a few seconds. Then I broke the eye contact. The whole thing is way too painful.

Not to mention, Paris fled and no one has seen her since.

Then he started walking towards me and I couldn't move fast enough.

'Can I talk to you for a minute?' He asked me.

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