Is it too late?

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Next Day at The Hospital 8:45am
Nathan's POV :

Char's parents got to Hawaii early that morning because they couldn't get an earlier flight. She still wasn't awake yet, but I know she there. I feel her.

I sat by Char's bedside in silence just watching her when her family burst into the room.

'Aw my baby' her mom said and started crying. I stood up to give her family space, and I turned to leave.

'Nathan, stay. Im sorry for not responding to your text. This is a lot for us right now' she said and I nodded. I could feel how heavy this was weighing on her and it made me feel even worse.

'Excuse me for a minute, I just need some air' I said and exited the room. I started walking to the waiting area and I broke down. I don't cry often but when I do...

The hospital had a quiet chapel, so I went to do the only the left that I could.

I went to pray.

I walked into the chapel and found the pew that was closest to the front. I sat there and started praying. 

'Lord I'm sorry. Im sorry for everything. I just want Char to be okay. I know I shouldn't have lied to her, and I know that I should've done more to protect her. Lord, I love this girl so much and I just know You sent her to me' I started.

'I don't want the last conversation that we had to be like that. Lord please keep her and heal her. Please protect her and her family Lord' I said and I finished up my prayer.

When I turned around to leave, Char's mom was walking in and saw I had tears in my eyes. She pulled me into her arms and gave me a hug. 'I know baby, I know' she said as I started to break down all over again.

At the hospital same day 12pm
Nathan's POV :

I went back to the hotel to freshen up and then came back to the hospital. Me and her family played games, talked, laughed and tried to stay positive.

We had faith. We knew the God we served.

I stayed holding Char's hand the whole time. It calmed me down and gave me a sense of peace.

'Nathan, come on outside with me real quick son' her dad said and I nodded and followed him out of the room.

'Yes sir?' I said as we sat in the waiting area together.

'We gon sort this out with that monster of an ex girlfriend, and we gon put her in jail' Mr Johnson said and I nodded.

'I need a picture of her, her name and what hotel she staying at' he started.

'I have a friend who is a private detective that can take this case. He not gon make it too obvious, and we gon get her behind bars' he said and I felt a sense of relief.

The sooner Paris was out of my life for good, the better.

'Okay sir. Her and Char took a picture together 2 days ago when we were at the beach. I can send that. And her name is Paris Frazier' I said whilst opening my phone to send the picture to Mr Johnson.

I sent the picture and Mr Johnson left immediately, going to meet his friend.


Sorry this was kind of heavy, but there's more drama coming 😍. Hope you're enjoying the book so far. Until next time..🥰🥰

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