Date night

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Charlene's POV :

'You're going where????' Kayla shouted on the FaceTime

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'You're going where????' Kayla shouted on the FaceTime. I needed to talk to somebody before I let nerves eat me up. Maybe I picked the wrong person.

'Yes we're going on a date. Can you keep your voice down? I'm already nervous as it is' I whispered as I applied my Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb to my lips.

'Sorry girl, I'm just so excited for you. You gon have a good time. I'm sure of it. This gon be good for you' she said.

'You think?' I questioned her.

'Yes girl. Not to mention, you look so goodt. I could just eat you' she joked.

'Are you sure this is not too basic? I didn't have much time to pick an outfit' I said now scared that I looked too boring.

'Girl. BYE. You look fab. You don't need to do too much. This just perfect' my bestie gassed me up.

'Okay. You right, you right. I need to get up outta my head man. This hard though' I said.

'Girl I know. It was always gon be hard after Paul. But you allowing yourself to open up to someone new is amazing and I'm so proud of you' Kayla said softly.

'I love You so much sis' I said feeling my ears start to get wet, so I fanned my face so I don't ruin my makeup. 'You making me a mess'

'Love you too sweetie. Tell me all about it after. But lemme get back to work. Call me after' she said quickly and she ended the call.

Kayla is like my older sister. She's 20, but I feel like we the same age. I can talk to her about anything and everything. She like my surrogate sister. We grew up together, we almost like cousins. Our moms are best friends and so when they'd go out, they'd always bring us too, and we've been inseparable ever since. She's honestly been my rock. Especially when all that mess with Paul went down. I cried to her everyday and stayed over at her house for weeks at a time. I'll always hold a special place in my heart for Kayla. A special type of love for her.

I started scrolling on Tiktok to distract myself from how nervous I felt, then I got a call from Nathan. I took a deep breath before answering. He make me so nervous lol.

'Hey' I said calmly.

'Hey mama, you doing alright? I'm about to pull up' he said as I heard his blinker ticking.

'Yeah I'm doing okay. A lil nervous but I'm good' I said, still scrolling on tiktok.

'You don't gotta be nervous mama. I told you. Which ones your door?' He asked.

Damn that was quick.

'8. It's the white door' I said and I heard a door slam.

'Ight. Stay there. I'm gon come get you. Open the door for me' he said smoothly.

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