The storm

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Nathan's POV :
After Church 1:45pm

'How you feeling now?' I asked. It was 1:45pm now and the service was over. Charlene fell asleep half way through because she cried so much earlier. I made sure to take notes for her aswell as mine. I knew that was important to her.

'I'm good. I feel so lightheaded. Feel like I need to lie down for a bit' she said and I took hold of her hand to keep her up straight.

I hate how this Paul guy has made her feel. I feel like it's my job to protect her now. And that was what I was going to do.

Charlene's POV :

'Is that you Charlene?' I heard a deep voice say.

I turned around and I felt that sick sensation again. It was Paul. This time I wasn't alone, I had Nathan and he makes me feel safe.

I turned back around and kept walking.

'So you just gon ignore me now fatty?' he shouted, walking up behind me.

'Aye watch out bruh' Nathan said guarding my back.

'And who is you? And why you in our business?' Paul answered back getting in Nathan's face.

'I'm her man. And her business is my business. So watch out bruh, I'm not gon ask you again' Nathan said now face to face with Paul.

We were now standing outside the church, as people were getting into their cars to go home. After the service, we had both told our parents that Nathan was going to drop me home.

'And what you gon do to stop me?' Paul stepped up to Nathan.

I just stood there, and I felt that same lightheaded feeling coming back. I felt horrible.

'Watch out bruh' Nathan said as Paul stepped up to him again. Paul pushed him and Nathan pushed him back and punched him to the ground. 'I said I wasn't gon ask you again bruh. You come near Charlene again and I'm gon make sure you regret it'

It was then I felt my legs give out. I had blacked out.

Nathan's POV :

I didn't know how to act

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I didn't know how to act. I felt so angry. I let that him get the best of me. And now Charlene was in the hospital. She was saying she felt sick and I should've just taken her home, but I felt like I had to protect her. I was willing to do anything and everything to protect her.

'Charlene Johnson?' the doctor came out and me and Charlene's parents and sisters all stood up.

'How is she? I just wanna see my daughter' her mother said tearing up.

'She fainted from stress. She's just a little tired right now, and she's going to need a lot of water and rest for a few days. But she's going to be just fine' the doctor said smiling. 'I'll leave you all to it, if you need me, just call'

'Thank you doc' her father said.

'I'll leave you guys to it' I said and I started walking out of the door.

'You don't need to leave Nathan. I want you to be here when Charlene wakes up' her mother said to me and her father nodded.

'Thank you Mr and Mrs Johnson. I appreciate it' I said sitting down in one of the empty chairs.

'We need to take these girls home' pointing at Charlene's sisters. 'We'll be back soon. I know she's in good hands' her father said, ushering her sisters out of the room.


Charlene started fidgeting so I knew she was about to wake up.

'Where am I?!' she gasped looking around frantically.

'You're good mama. I'm here' I said laughing at her reaction.

'What happened? Why am I here?' She asked, scratching the top of her hair.

'Paul showed up at the church. I punched him, you fainted' I explained briefly to her.

'YOU WHAT???!' She shouted in disbelief.

'Yeah I had to. I'm not gon let him disrespect you infront of me. That's not gon slide man' I said.


'But nothing' I interrupted her. 'It's not gon happen mama' I told her sternly.

'Ugh fine' she joked. 'My head hurts' she whined.

'I bet it does. Go back to sleep. I'm gon be here when you get up' I joked.

'Ugh okay' she laughed.

'I love you' I said. I knew I felt it and I knew she felt. It's a feeling I've never had before, with any other girl I've dealt with. Charlene was special to me, and I wanted her in my life forever.

Not Nathan saying I love youuuu🥹🥹🥹. Isn't he so cuteee??? More drama coming tomorrow. Stay tuned y'all. Don't forget to vote and comment. Until next time....🥰🥰

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