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Charlene's POV :

'Who was you talking to other there? You making friends already?' He asked me jokingly.

'Oh yeah. Her names Paris. She nice and she real pretty' I started saying and I saw Nathan's expression suddenly change. His face had dropped.

'Oh thats cool. Come here though mama' he said and ushered me to his lap.

'I don't wanna break your legs' I joked with him.

'I ain't care about that. Come here' he said and I stood up and walked towards his lap and sat down.

'What's going on with you?' I questioned him. He's been acting weird since yesterday, and I don't wanna be around someone with this weird attitude.

'What you mean?' He said trying to deflect.

'Stop avoiding the question' I said to him.

'Why you trying to argue with me?' He said and I stood up from his lap and walked off.

I'm not gonna do this with him.

'Where you going?' I heard him shout from behind me and I just ignored him.

At the hotel bar 3:45pm

'Heyyy Char' I heard from behind me and I turned my head to see Paris standing infront of me.

'Hey' I said, I wasn't really in the mood to talk to her right now.

'What's the matter?' She asked pulling the bar stool back and sitting down next to me.

'Oh, nothing just not feeling well right now' I lied, and I hate lying, I just don't trust her. I barely know the girl.

'Girl, you'on need to lie to me. I'm your friend' she said and she rubbed on my shoulder 'you had a fight with your man?'

Nathan's POV :

I couldn't even think straight, I needed to find Char and talk to her. I know this is my fault, I should've just been truthful instead of lying.

I picked up my phone and called her. It went straight to voicemail.

Man I need a drink. So I went to the bar.

Charlene's POV :

'Do you want something to drink?' Paris asked me. I don't drink, but maybe today is an exception?

'Um maybe just a virgin mojito?' I asked her and she smiled.

'Thanks girl. Im gonna run to the bathroom real quick' I said and she nodded so I rushed to the bathroom.

5 minutes later

Nathan's POV :

I went to get a seat at the far end of the bar and ordered my drink.

'It's going okay mama. It's just...I don't know' I heard a familiar voice say, and I knew it was Char.

'Char?' I said to her and she walked off from me. 'Just talk to me ma' I shouted to her and she shook her head.

I watched her as she sat back down next to Paris, and she downed her drink and walked off.

She drinking now?

I walked over to Paris.

'What is you plotting?' I questioned her.

'It's already done' she said scarily and she chuckled and walked off.

What she mean by that???


What did Paris do? Do you understand why Nathan lied? Watch what happens next. Until next time...🥰

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