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Charlene's POV :

Charlene's POV :

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'Um..okay. Where would we be going?' I asked. My heart beating 100 miles per minute.

'Don't worry about all that. Just be ready for 6:30 tomorrow night. I'm gon pick you up from your house' he said calmly.

'O-okay' I said stuttering.


'You don't need to be nervous around me mama. I'm not gon hurt you' he joked.

'Yeah I know that. I guess I'm just not used to all this I guess' I shrugged.

'What do you mean by that?' he questioned.

'It-it doesn't matter' suddenly realising I might've shared too much about my past relationship.

'You was gon tell me. What is it? If you don't tell me, im not gon know. And I don't wanna do something that could be triggering to you. You know? I wanna learn you love' he said calmly and I smiled. Suddenly feeling calm again.

He makes me feel so safe and calm already.

'Well here goes. I used to talk to this boy. Man I should say. I was 16 at the time and he was 20. We was in 2 different stages of life and I should've known better. He used to make me feel like dirt. Used to call me out of my name all the time. Call my darkskin skin 'ugly' and all types of things. He used to make fun of my weight, and that's one reason why I'm so insecure. I don't go looking for boys, and if they ever call me attractive, I automatically think they're joking around with their friends' I said feeling tears well in my eyes.

'I left when I found out he was talking to another girl. He was sleeping with her and everything. She was actually his age and I was just a kid. He's actually one of the reasons I started working on my relationship with God again. God restored all that pain that man caused me. I found peace in the Lord and I prayed to never ever feel like pain I felt before. And so ever since then, I've started seeing myself the way God sees me: fearfully and wonderfully made' I finished, wiping tears from my cheeks and smiling.

'Woah. First of all, I'm never gon make you feel like you less than, or that you don't deserve to be loved. That's not what I'm about. I'm never gon tell you your skin ugly, because it's beautiful to me. You beautiful to me. And if he couldn't see that, well, he didn't deserve you' he said pausing his game and looking at me.

'You special and you different. And I feel that every time I talk to you. I wanna get to know you and learn you ma, and that's why we going out tomorrow. Maybe we can start to grow together' he smiled and I felt myself getting emotional all over again.

I've never had this before.

'I'd love that. Honestly this feels so refreshing man' I said wiping my eyes all over again.

Ugh I'm a mess lol.

'You don't gotta cry ma. I mean every word that's coming outta my mouth, and if you don't believe my words, then my actions gon prove it. I promise you that' he said calmly.

'Thank you so much Nathan. I really think you came into my life at just the right time'

Woah. Sorry this was a bit of a heavy chapter. But the next chapter is gonna be about their date. Please stick with this guys. I'm trying. Until next time...🥰

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