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Charlene's POV :

I got off the phone with my dad and Nathan just walked back into the room and sat down.

'Who was that?' He asked me as I sat up slowly.

'My father. He wants to see us at the house in about an hour' I said to him and he looked at me.

'Really?' Nathan said surprised and I nodded. 'Alright then' he said.

I got up and got into the shower and sorted out my hygiene. I put on a pink velour tracksuit and rubbed some oil onto my stomach. I applied my Fenty Beauty lip gloss and me and Nathan got into the car and drove to my parents house.

Charlene's Parents House - 2:28pm

I was so nervous going into my parents house, but Nathan was so calm. Maybe it's cause it's not his parents house, but still, my parents love him.

'Hey mama, hey daddy' I said as they opened the door.

My dad looked at me for a second, then to my stomach and pulled me into a hug. I immediately started crying, I really missed my father so much.

'Aw my baby, you so far along' he said as we pulled apart and wiped the tears off of his face. 'We need to talk' he said as we walked into the living room.

Me and Nathan walked behind my parents into the living room and sat on the couch opposite to them.

'First things first, I just want to say this. I am so sorry Char. I should not have treated you that way, and I shouldn't have let it get this far. I was disappointed at first because I just felt like you had you're whole life ahead of you' he started and I put my hand on my stomach.

'But seeing how much you've embraced you're pregnancy, you're happy, you're growing, you're thriving, it's shown me that you are mature and you can take on anything that life throws at you. Good or bad' he continued.

'You are My daughter and regardless of whatever happens, I will always love you and always respect your decisions. It is your life at the end of the day, and I will always always always want to be there for anything you have going on, and I'm sorry that I wasn't before. I am so proud of you Charlene' he finished and I rolled my eyes up to try and catch some of the tears that were about to fall from my eyes. I was unsuccessful though. Like always.

'Dad, thank you so much for this apology. Your reaction, it really really really hurt me. We've always had a good relationship and I felt like you were ashamed and disappointed of me. To hear you are proud of me means the world of me. Thank you dad' i said and breathed out a sigh of relief.

After that, I felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and I could finally have peace now.

'Well we got the genders yesterday and we're having 2 girls' I said and I looked at Nathan. He winked at me and I looked back at my dad.

'Wow, that's wonderful. Congrats you two' he said and then looked at my mum. She was in tears.

'My babies, congratulations to you both. You're both going to be great parents'  my mama said and wiped tears from her eyes.

My dad nodded at my mom and then at Nathan and I looked around confused.

'What's going on?' I said confused, everyone was smiling at me.

'Well. Nathan came to me, as he knows I'm a realtor, about a house' my dad started and I looked at Nathan in confusion.

Maybe we actually are connected. Whilst I've been pregnant, I've been so worried about where we are all going to live. I knew I couldn't be pregnant with twins living in my parents house.

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