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Nathan's Apartment - The next day 8:30am
Charlene's POV:

I woke up from my nightmare and Nathan was still asleep in my arms. I breathed out a sigh of relief and started praying quietly. I rebuked the dream and got up and got myself together.

I cooked Nathan some eggs and sausage and covered the plate for when he woke up. I put on Rick and Morty in the background whilst I was reading a Wattpad story and then I heard movement in the room.

Nathan walked out of his room and came straight to me. He cuddled up to me on the couch and I played with his locks.

'I'm gon go to see Biz' moms today and I want you to come with me mama. I can't do it alone' he said as he looked up to me.

'Of course I will baby' I said as I stroked the side of the face.

'Thank you mama. I'm sorry for last night and I wasn't myself. I didn't know how to feel and I let my emotions get the better of me' he said as he interlocked his fingers with mine.

This is the Nathan I missed.

'It's okay papa. You didn't know how to react yesterday and that's okay. Thank you for apologising. I appreciate it' I said to him and pecked his lips.

At Biz' moms house - 12pm

We drove the 15 minute drive to Biz' moms house in silence, with are hands together. I stroked my thumb over his hand, to show him I was still there with him.

Nathan rang the doorbell and waited for a response. Biz' mom Marie came to the door and opened it.

'Nathan!' She said and pulled him into a hug. She gave me a warm smile, even when she was drowning and her smiled back at her.

'Who's this pretty girl?' She said as we sat down on the couch and I smiled.

'This my wife Char' Nathan said and he smiled at me. 'How are you aunty?' He asked her.

'I don't know how to feel. This pain is so hard to describe. I feel like I have no life, no oxygen, no nothing. Biz was my whole world' she said tearing up and I started tearing up too. I've been so emotional lately.

'It's gon be okay ma'am, you gon get through it. Is there anything you need? Money? Help with any funeral arrangements?' Nathan asked her and she nodded.

My stomach started turning all of a sudden so I excused myself. 'Excuse me ma'am, where's your bathroom?' I asked her politely.

'Down the hall to the right baby. You okay?' She asked me and I forced a smile upon my face and nodded.

I rushed into the bathroom, locked the door and started throwing up.


Nathan's POV :

'She's been in there a long time. She okay?' Mrs Marie asked me and I shrugged.

'I'm not sure, maybe she's just tired' I replied.

'How you been baby? Honestly. He was your brother, how are you feeling?' She asked me and I gulped.

'I lost my brother, and it don't feel good. Last night, I turned to alcohol and I shouldn't have. I don't know how to cope with all this, I'll be honest with you' I opened up to her and Char came back into the room and sat down next to me.

'You okay mama?' I asked her and she fake smiled.

'God has got us baby. He gon provide and we gon be alright. I'm gonna call you tomorrow so we can discuss funeral arrangements. I want you to make a speech, that would've meant a lot to Micheal' she finished and I nodded.

'Anything. Anyways Aunty, we gon head out. If you need anything at all, please call me' I said as me and Char stood up and walked toward the door.

'Okay, don't be afraid to come back. Both of you welcome here. Take care Char baby' she said and gave Char a tight hug.

'Thank you so much. Stay blessed ma'am. I'm so sorry for your loss. I truly am' Char said tearing up and Mrs Marie hugged her.

'I'm trying to be alright baby, one day at a time. Right?' She said and gave her a warm smile.

'Yes ma'am. Take care' Char said and I took her hand and we walked out.

5 Minutes Later - Back in the car

'You okay mama? And don't lie to me' I said to her looking at her whilst we were stopped at a red light.

'I'm fine, honestly. Just feeling a little sick. That's all' she responded back to me looking out of the window.

'Hm' I responded as I started to drive again when the light went green.

'Can we stop real quick? I don't wanna throw up in your car' she said and I quickly pulled over.

Char jumped out of the car and ran to the back, she started throwing up and it seemed like it wouldn't stop.

She got back into the car and I just stared at her.

'You throwing up like you pregnant' I joked and she smiled hesitantly.

'Nah, I don't know about all that. I think I just have a stomach bug. Can you take me home please baby? I just wanna get some rest' she said and I nodded.

'You sure? We can go to your house and get some clothes for you and you can come stay with me' I said to her and she contemplated it for a minute.

'Maybe tomorrow. I need to go home and take a bath and brush my teeth' she laughed softly and I chuckled.

'Aight mama' I said to her as I made the journey to Char's house.

20 minutes later - Char's house

'If you need anything, please baby, talk to me. Please. I'm always gon be here, even when you wake me up from sleep' she joked and I laughed.

'Gimme a kiss' I said to her and she kissed me three times. 'That's all I get?' I joked and she gave me one more long one.

'I love You baby. Bye' she said and she pecked me one more time before exiting the car. She got into her house and then I drove off finally.

Charlene's POV :

I waited for 5 minutes so I knew Nathan was far from my house and I went to my car.

This weird sick feeling had been happening for a few weeks, but I ignored it cause I thought I just needed to rest. I can't ignore it much longer.

I drove to the store and got out. I walked to the medicines part, and stared at a pregnancy test. I stared at it for a second before I picked it up and hurried to the cash register.

'$15 please' the cashier said and I tapped my card quickly. I said thank you to him and ran out of the store.

I rushed back to my house and then parked outside my house. I stuffed the pregnancy test into my bag and unlocked my door.

'Hey mama. Hey dad. How are you guys?' I asked them quickly, just trying to get to my bathroom so I could see what was causing this sick feeling.

'We okay baby. How's Nathan? He need anything? How's his mama? How's Biz' mother?' My mom bombarded me with all these questions.

'We went to visit his mom today. She's the sweetest lady. She's okay under the circumstances I guess, just taking it a day at a time' I answered.

'Well if she needs anything, give her our contacts. We don't mind helping with any additional costs' my mom said and my dad nodded.

'Okay mama. Thank you. Love y'all. I'm gonna go get some rest' I said and ran upstairs.

I ran to my bathroom and locked the door.

'How do you even work this?' I whispered to myself. I opened the test and peed on it.

I left it turned over on my counter and looked away. I honestly felt sick to my stomach. I waited the 10 minutes and took a deep breath.

'Moment of truth' I said to myself and picked the test up....

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