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Charlene's POV :

'What? Are you doing here?' I asked him confused as to how he was in my house.

'We're gonna go and eat this outside. Call me if you need anything baby. Love you' my mama said as she started ushering my family out of the room to go and eat on the patio.

'I'm just gonna cut to the chase. Why you here Nathan?' I asked him.

'You want me to leave?' He asked and when I didn't say anything, he grinned 'thought so'

'Why did you just leave yesterday?' He asked me.

'I asked you a question first. I want an answer' I sassed him.

'Because you just left yesterday. No explanation. No call, no text. You got me out here thinking you got kidnapped or worse' he said plainly, with a slight attitude.

'Well I'm sorry you were to caught up with your side trick' I said, getting annoyed all over again.

'She not my side trick, and if you had stayed long enough, you'd have seen that I shut it down. I'm not gon disrespect you like that. Ever. Especially not right in yo face' he said and I looked down at my plate.

He reached over the table and lifted my chin up with his hand. 'Ever' he said again.

I was trying hard not to fold but I did anyways.

I ended up cracking a smile.

'I missed that smile mama. You really think I was gon do you like that?' He questioned me.

'Well i don't know. I told you already im not used to this in a relationship' I explained.

'You right, you right' he said.

'Who is she anyways?' I asked him bluntly. I just wanted an answer.

'She's my ex. I'm not gon lie to you or try sugarcoat who she is' he said to me. 'I ain't seen her in months. I cut her off, she was trifling' he explained to me.

'Well she sure looked comfy with you' I said smartly putting a piece of fruit in my mouth.

'Stop playing with me' he tutted.

'Lemme take you for a drive. There's somethings I wanna say that I can't say here' he said.

'Okay, let me just say goodbye to my family' I said, and before I could finish, he walked out to the patio waiting for me.

'I see all is fine now?' My mama asked.

'So you were in on this?' I looked at her all confused.

'Girl bye. He called me' she joked and he laughed aswell.

'We're about to leave anyways. Thanks for breakfast mama' I said and I gave my dad a hug. I kissed my little sister and dapped up my older sister.

'Thank you Mr and Mrs Johnson. That breakfast was great' Nathan said as we started to walk out to leave.

Nathan's Car :

'So where are we going?' I asked him as I stared out of the wet window.

'We going to my crib' he said simply.


'Oh-oh okay' I choked.

'You okay there mama?' He laughed.

'I meannn, I wasn't expecting that' I laughed.

'Well you mine. And I wanna take you to my crib. Is that okay for you?' He joked with me.

'Well I don't know' I played with him.

'Whatever' he said irritated.

'Do you live with your mama?' I asked him simply. Not in a way to shame him, I just wanted to know.

'Nah. I got myself an apartment with the money I got saved up from work' he said.

Not him having his own house gworlllll.

'I love that' I said.

'Thank you ma, I appreciate you' he said simply.

'We bout to be here anyways' he said as he turned onto his street.

Nathan's Apartment 12:30pm

'This niceeeee bae' I said to him as I put my bag down

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'This niceeeee bae' I said to him as I put my bag down.

'What did you jus call me?' He said as he walked up on me.

'I ain't call you nothin' I said trying to untangle myself from his grip.

'Say it again ma' he said as he left kisses on my neck.

'No, get off me' I said to him and he picked me up and put me on his kitchen counter.

'You gon get me in trouble bae' I said to him and he kept kissing on me. Then his tongue slid into my mouth and I let out a loud moan.

'See how you got me sounding' I said to him and he laughed.

'I like that sound' he said as he looked at me.

Then he suddenly moved away from me.

'Imma be straight up with you tho ma' he said to me and I felt my throat close up.

Sorry guys I've been gone. I've been so tired. But I'm back with a cute lil filler. Oopppp what does Nathan wanna say to Char??? Find out next chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote. Until next time...🥰

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