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Charlene's POV :

'I love you too' I replied to him smiling, half asleep.

I wasn't sure if I had heard him correctly, but I do know I've never felt this way about anyone before, so if I feel it, why not just say it. Right?

Back at Charlene's House Next Day 3:45pm
Charlene's POV:

'Ugh it feels good to be back in my own bed' I said to myself as I got comfy in my bed and turned my TV on.

'CHAR! CHARLENE' I heard my mama calling me from downstairs.

'Yes ma'am?' I said, frustrated that she called me when I had just gotten comfy.

'You got a package down here. Do you want me to bring it up for you?' she asked.

'Yes please mama. Thank you' I replied to her happy because I didn't have to move.

Maybe my Fashion Nova order finally came. I need me some jeans.

'There you go baby' mama said as she placed the box on my lap.

'Thank you mama' I said to her as she exited my room and shut my door behind her.

I started ripping open the box, and my heart stopped. The cutest thing I could have ever received, especially at a time like this.

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I knew it had to be Nathan

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I knew it had to be Nathan. He's so cute.

I was about to put the box on the trash, when I saw a note under all the packaging. It wrote:

'Hey mama. I hope you doing okay. I sent you some flowers cause I know you not feeling the best right now. You being in the hospital in that state made me realise how much you actually mean to me, and I want you to see that everyday. I want to show it to you anytime you'll let me. I want to be in this with you for as long as you'll have me ma. Because I love you. I want you to be mine'.

By the end of the letter, I was a mess.

I picked up my phone to call Nathan to tell him thank you everything when I heard the doorbell ring.

Nathan's POV :

I rang Char's doorbell once and she answered it.

'Hey mama' I said to her, and she ran into me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

'I see you read my letter and got all my gifts?' I joked as she let me in and shut the door behind her. I greeted her parents and siblings and we went up to her room.

'Yes I did. Thank you so much Nathan. It means so much to me. You mean so much to me. The letter made me a mess, as you can see my mascara stained again' she laughed and I chuckled.

'So you gon be mine?' I asked her cheekily.

'Hmmm i don't know. I'll have to think about it' she joked.

'Don't be playing with me Char' I said to her.

'Whatever boy. You already know it's always gon be you' she blushed.

'Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you properly. Speak up' I said to her now standing up walking over to her.

'You heard what I said sir' she responded now backing up into her bathroom.

I picked her up and put her onto her bathroom counter.

'Nah I ain't hear you properly. What you say? Repeat it for me' I said now inches anyways from her face.

'I said im yours. Damn. Can you get out of my face now?' she said as she covered her face.

'Nah' I said as I kissed her. She tried to resist but she eventually gave in.

'Stoppp' she laughed as I kissed her neck.

'You gon let this go to far' she said and I finally let her go.

'You right, you right' I said and I interlocked our fingers together and we walked over to her bed.

She got comfy laying down and I laid on her stomach. We ended up watching half on Best Man's Holiday before we both fell asleep.

Burger King Next Day 5pm

'What'd you want mama' I asked Char as she applied some Vaseline to her lips

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'What'd you want mama' I asked Char as she applied some Vaseline to her lips.

'Hmmm...get me a chicken burger and some fries pleaseeeeee' she said.

'Ight, do you wanna stand with me or do you wanna go sit over there?' I asked her.

'Imma go sit over there. I have to call my mama anyways' she said as she began to walk to the seating area.

'Okay ma' I said simply.

'Oh my goshhhhhh. Nathannnn???? Is that you??' a familiar voice said behind me.

I dreaded turning around because I had a feeling I knew exactly who it was.

'Awww it is you' my ex Paris said as she stood in front  of me, eyeing me up.

Oopppp Nathan's ex is backkk!!! Do y'all think she's gonna cause some trouble? We'll have to see. Don't forget to comment and vote. Until next time...🥰

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