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Charlene's POV :
'You sure mama?' He said cheesing at me and I thought about it. I mean I've never felt this way about anybody before, and I feel like I found my person. I feel like this gon be a forever thing so why not?

'Yeah..I'm sure' I said kinda nervous.

'You don't need to be nervous mama, I'm gon go slow' he said and he started kissing on me again. 'Just relax mama I'm not gon hurt you' he said and he keep kissing me.

He could feel my heart beating. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

He started kissing on my neck again, and sucking on it. Leaving his mark. I let out a loud moan.

'Mm bae' I said and I bit my lip. He took my lip into his mouth and started sucking on it.

'Take this off, I wanna see you' he said and I started unzipping my cardigan. I was really nervous, I've never been so exposed infront of somebody before. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this.

'You're beautiful ma, let me see you' he said and started to undress me himself. By the time he got to my panties, I was soaked.

'Damn, all for me?' He said and I chuckled nervously and he removed them and threw them to the side.

He picked me up and put me onto the bed. He moved to my entrance of my girl and stared back up at me.

'Damn' he said and started eating. 'Mmm ma' he moved and he started moving his tongue around in me.

'Mmm baby this feel so good' and he chuckled and continued eating me. It was like he was hungry.

'You taste good bae' he said and I felt something coming from my stomach.

'I think I'm about to..' I said as I arched my back into the bed and he stood up and started rubbing up on my girl.

'You about to cum ma?'he asked chuckling and he started moving his fingers faster and...

'All for me mama?' He said chuckling and I breathed out. I don't know why I was out of breath like I was doing all the work.

'Damn bae' I said as he took of his sweatpants and his piece was staring back at me. It was so long.

Im scared.

He looked into my eyes as he positioned his piece at my entrance.

'This gon hurt a lil bit ma, but imma go slow. I want you to enjoy this' he said to me and I nodded.

He slid into me slightly and I felt that first bit of pain.

'Damn bae' I shouted and he chuckled.

'I said it was gon hurt didnt i? Gangsta ma' he said as he slid in a bit more.

'How do people do this and enjoy it?' I said in so much pain, and tears leaving my eyes.

'You gon be one of those people after the pain goes away, stop playing' he said and he slid in a bit more.

'Nah, I can't do it' I said and he started laughing at me. 'What's funny?' I bucked at him.

'You the one that's crying right now ma. We not even half way there yet' he said laughing.


'We are not what?!' I shouted and he slid in a bit more.

He slid in more and more and he almost fully in me.

'We almost there baby' he said and at this point I was ready for this pain to be over with.

'Hurry up' I said just wanting the pain to be gone and he slid into me fully.

'You feeling alright mama?' He asked me and I nodded. 'Ight we gon start moving' he said and I nodded again.

We started rocking in a slow but steady rhythm and the pain was a lot at first, but soon it went away and...

Damn this felt good.

'Pain gone? You not mugging me anymore' he said and I nodded. So he starting pounding into me faster.

'Mmm Damn' I moaned.

'You feel so good ma' he moaned into my ear and I was about to lose it.

'Mmm I love you so much' I said holding onto his back as he pounded into me, sucking on my neck.

'I love you too. This mines?' he asked me and I nodded. 'Nah I wanna here you ma'

'This yours. Mmm' I moaned out of breath.

I felt that feeling returning from my stomach and...

'You about to cum baby?' He asked me and I nodded. 'We gon do it together' he said and he started pounding into me faster and faster until we both reached our climax. I felt something warm inside my stomach.

'Damn' I said as my body jerked.

'Damn ma. How was you gon keep that from me?' He said chuckling and rubbing up on my thigh.

I was exhausted. And my girl was in so much.

We laid in his bed together for a while, then I went to use the bathroom and we took a shower together.

After we got outta the shower, I called my mom to say that I was gonna stay over at Nathan's.

'Hey mama' I said to her through the phone.

'Hey baby. You okay?' She asked me and I could just tell she was smiling. 

'Yes ma'am' I said to her and I watched Nathan as he came back into the room from the bathroom.

'So what you calling me for?' She asked me and I chuckled.

'Nothingggg' I said to her.

'Hm okay girl. See you in the morning' she said and my jaw dropped.

'But I didn't even'-

'Girl you don't think I've been 18 before? I trust you and him. Just be safe okay?' She said.

Too late for that mama.

'Okay mama. Thank you. Say goodnight to daddy for me. See you tomorrow' I said to her and hung up the phone.

I put my phone down and Nathan came to lay with me. He interlocked our fingers and I snuggled into him.

'We locked in now' he joked and I laughed with him.

I really love this boy, and I felt it even more now.


Guys Char ain't so innocent now. If that scene was bad, cut me some slack it's my first one. They'll get better. Anyways see what happens next. Until next time..🥰🥰

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