You did it

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Nathan's POV :
2 months later - Graduation Day

It's been 2 months and it was finally graduation day. I was actually graduating and all I could do was thank God. I invited my mama, mr and Mrs Johnson and of course Char to the ceremony.

'Come on boy. You wanna be late for your own ceremony?' My mama yelled as I fixed my tie.

'I'm coming right now. We not gon be late' I said and I ran downstairs.

'Okay, we can leave. We gonna meet Char's parents there' i said and she nodded as we walked outside to my car.

At the ceremony - 12pm

I walked through the back of the ceremony, and we saw Char and her parents sitting there, wearing all white.

'Hey baby. You ready?' Char said as she saw me and gave me a hug.

'Yeah I'm ready. Just happy I've finally done it' I said and I saw my classmates walking to where we were meant to be sitting.

'Thank you so much for coming Mr and Mrs Johnson. I really appreciate it' I said whilst giving Mrs Johnson a hug, and dabbing up Mr Johnson.

The ceremony was about to start so I thanked everyone for coming and I walked up to the seating area.

'Thank you all for coming. I just want to say a big congratulations to the class of 2022. You guys have really done well, and I'm so proud of all you guys. You've done me so proud and I wish you nothing but the best for the future' our principal said.

Whilst he was speaking, people were wiping tears from their face and my eyes went to Char. She was in tears.

I winked at her and she laughed and blew me a kiss.

'Maya Terrain' the chancellor shouted and there was a roar of applause for her.

I was next.

'Nathan Winston' the chancellor shouted and I heard my mama and Char's parents all cheering. I heard Char shout 'that's my baby' and I laughed.

I collected my certificate from him and shook his hand.

After the Ceremony - 2pm

'Well done son. I'm so proud of you, and I knew you could do it. After your father, I didn't know what path you was gonna go down. But I'm so happy you went down this path, and you're future is gon be so bright. I can feel it. I thank God for your life everyday son. I love You' she said to me and I gave her a hug.

'We're so proud of you Nathan. You've done so well and this graduation is a reflection of that. Onto bigger and better now' Mr Johnson said and Mrs Johnson nodded.

'I appreciate this so much. Thank you' I said to them both.

I looked around for Char but I couldn't see her, so but I got a message.


Hey baby, I'm waiting for you in your apartment.


I saw her message and chuckled to myself. I said goodbye to Char's parents and then I dropped my mama back to the house.

I got changed outta the robe and into a Nike fleece and got back on the road.

Back at my apartment

'Mama where you at?' I said to her as I walked in and shut the door.

I saw the front room and smiled to myself.

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