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The day of Biz' funeral - 2 weeks later
Nathan's POV :

I was about to bury my best friend today and nothing could've prepared me for it. I obviously had Char, but she already had enough on her plate, with her dad and our babies. Her parents had helped with some of the funeral arrangements, so I knew they would be there today.

We don't need anymore problems.

I finished putting on my tux and Char just stood there watching me. 'You good mama?' I asked her and she smiled softly.

'I should be asking you that' she said as she came and sat on the bed. This was a scary day for her aswell, this would be the first time people are seeing her pregnant, and we already knew people were gonna talk.

'Nah mama, it's all good' I said whilst she put some conditioner in my locks.

'You got your speech all done?' She asked me and I shrugged.

'I guess, I just hope it's gon be good enough for his mama' I admitted and Char shook her head.

'It will be good enough. You spoke from your heart and that's all that matters. I'll be right by your side aswell, just incase you feeling nervous' she said and smiled.

'I love you' I said to her and pecked her lips twice. 'We need to leave or we gon be late' I said to her as she finished reapplying her lip gloss.

At the Funeral
Charlene's POV :

We parked outside the church and I took a deep breath. I could see my parents car, so I knew they were already here and I was so scared to face my father. I hadn't seen him or spoken to him since he stormed out the day I told him I was pregnant. My mama calls me everyday to check on me, the babies and Nathan, but not hearing from my dad hurts. We had a really good relationship.

'You got this baby' Nathan said to me and I smiled at him. 'So do you. Let's do this baby' I said to him and we left the car.

'Nathan! Charlene! You guys made it' Ms Marie said as she greeted us at the door of the church. 'Aw I knew it, congratulations!' she said smiling and looking at my stomach.

'Thank you so much ma'am' I said looking at her with nice eyes.

'How you feeling son? You ready?' Ms Marie asked Nathan and he nodded but still looked unsure.

'I guess' he said plainly.

'It's gon be alright. Let's go, the service is about to start' Ms Marie said and her and Nathan walked in together with their arms linked.

I walked in slowly behind them, feeling the eyes glued to my stomach and then I saw my parents. I was torn on whether or not to sit with my parents or Nathan.

So to show respect, I sat with my parents.

'Hey mama, hey daddy' I said softly and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

'Hey baby. How are you? And how are my grand babies' my mama said smiling and rubbing on my stomach.

'We're doing alright, they making me a bit tired, but other than that, we are alright. How are you daddy?' I asked him and he just scoffed, keeping his head to the front of the service.

I did the same, but I felt my heart break. I felt the urge to vomit and cry so I excused myself and scurried to the bathroom.

After throwing up my breakfast this morning and yesterday's dinner, I cleaned myself off and gargled some mouthwash in my mouth before spitting it into the sink. I reapplied my lip gloss, reapplied my mascara and took a deep breath in the mirror.

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