V: A Word, Dear?

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I can't believe I have to be watched over like a baby. I have twenty four years for god's sake. I don't want to be out here. I don't want to walk with this girl who has no interest in me, and I have no interest in her. We're not going to talk to each other much on this rather annoying outing, so I don't see the point of have a sitter, or rather having this walk at all.

I know Father is going to query me about her. I can't just remain idle and say nothing. Heaven knows she won't say a word. "You know," I look at her with my hands clasped behind my back, "I think you'll rather enjoy it here. Over time, the place will grow on you."

"You think?"

"Indeed. You'd have to allow yourself, though." She nods and looks down. I sigh and stop walking, bringing her to a halt along with me.

"Is there a problem?"

"Look, we know that we both don't want to go through with this. We must go through with the arrangement, whether we like it or not. You'll be loving here forever, so you must make the best of it."

"I understand... It's just not what I want."

I smile weakly. "I understand."


"Saddle up Eton for me!" I shout as I walk through the stable. "And find Sir Jacob. Tell him we're going hunting."

"Yes, Prince Andrew." The stable boys bow and scuttle off to do as they're told.

I stride over to my beautiful steed in admiration. He's beautiful; black coat and a white mane and tail. I remember when I got him. It was my eighth birthday and my father had given him to me. Eton is his name. My fastest horse. Quiet as well. I always take him hunting. He's quick and quiet, perfect for hunting, whether it be game or men. "Hello dear friend," I coo and stroke his back.

"Lord Andrew."

"Well, that was quick." I smile at my dear friend. "I've never put that much faith in the servants."

"Maybe you should start," he smirks. "So hunting, huh? It's been quite some time."

"I am aware. But I am in need of this."

"Well alright then."

"Is Sir Jacob's horse ready for him?!" I yell out to the others.

"Yes, your grace. His horse is all ready. Marciello will bring it 'round in a just a moment."

"Get to it."

"You know," Jacob chuckles. "I have yet to meet the princess of the East end. What's she like?"

"She refuses to talk to me most of the time. We both don't want to marry, I understand that. But she is not acting like a future queen. She is acting like a child. Definitely unfit to be queen."

"Give her some time, my friend. She is trying to get used to this environment."

"She won't be given much time, I'll tell you that. We do not have much time at all."

"The girl will come around." The stable boy bring the horse to Jacob and our gear. 

I put my bow and quiver of arrows around my back and hop up on my horse, grabbing the reigns. "Enough about her. Let hunt." 


It's quiet. Too quiet. Though we've been hunting for a while, I start to have a terrible feeling about these woods. "Whoa, boy." I pull the reigns on Eton, stopping him. I get down and pull him along with me. I walk and walk, beginning to wonder where Jacob had wandered off to.

"Fuck!" I trip over something, landing flat on my face. God, I'm so stupid... I groan in pain. I turn over and face a face. Wait. A face?! I shout in terror, scrambling to my feet. That is a man! A dead man, covered in dirt and maggots. He's a guard; the uniform does not lie. I do not think I have ever seen him in my life.

"Andrew! I heard you shout. What is-?" All I can do is point at the body. "Dear god. A guard?" He gets down from this horse and kneels beside the corpse to examine it.


"He's been dead for quite some time. A few days to say the least." He flips him on his back, and the stench of his rotting body begins to fill the air around us. We jump back, covering our noses. 

"Should we tell someone?" 

"I don't know... Maybe. He is a guard after all. Someone will be looking for him..."

I nod. "Yes- you have a point... Well, I suppose we should head back then."

"Right, right." He get back on our horses and ride back to the castle in silence. There was nothing more to say. 


"Should I tell my father?"

"No, no. Uh, tell your mother. Have her tell him."

I frown. "Why?"

"I don't know! She just seems to have a better time with the king."

"Alright, alright," I throw my hands up in surrender. "I'll go now. I tell you want happens."

"Alright, though I'll probably hear about it before you can even report back to me."

I laugh. "I'll be seeing you, my friend." I wave to him, then begin to sprint into the castle, asking everyone where my mother was. I find her in her chambers and tell her what Jacob and I had witnessed. 

She frowns and stands from her bed. "Are you sure, dear?"

"Yes, Mother, I am certain. You need to tell Father-"

"I know... But he'll want an explanation."

"Well, I don't have-"

"I know!" She shouts. She takes a deep breath and begins to pace. "I know... I'll tell him, but you need to talk to all of the guards, figure out who the dead one is, and if they know why he would be killed."

"What if it wasn't murder? What if it was an animal."

"Did it look like it was an animal?"


"Well, there's your damn answer, Andy. Now-"

The chamber doors open, causing us to turn around. It was Father. Mother and I exchanged glances before she spoke up. "Christopher? A word, my dear?...."

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