XXVIII: For Her Own Good

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My god, I'm in love with her... I'm wading in dangerous waters this way. I nearly kissed her. That can't happen. Andrew is my best friend, yes, but he'd surely have me hung up by my neck for the whole region to see if he ever found out. He can fuck as many whores as he'd like, but if Arabella would even look at another man, oh all hell would break loose.

That's my problem with monarchy. Hypocrisy and deceit is all it is. Monarchy tends to turn into tyranny. Nothing is worse than a tyrant. They instill fear into everyone around them to get what they want. If this is the path Andrew is headed, I won't let him push me around, that's for sure.

Arabella's face comes back to mind, specifically when she could smell Andrew this evening. I watched as her world just shatter. I wish... I wish I could make everything right. For her. That's my ruin, I suppose; wanting to help people all the time. The problem is, this time, is that it only helps myself. And Arabella. But I'm being selfish, and I'm aware of it.

"Oi, Jacob!" A loud voice booms and a hand clasps on my shoulder, startling me. I turn and see it's one of my colleagues— a man who trains our nation's men along side me.

"Keep your voice down, man."

"Quit your pussying, mate. They can't 'ear a damn thing from inside their rooms."

I roll my eyes at his insensitivity. "It's just common curtesy."

"Oh, they don't deserve that. Especially not our excuse of a king and that bitch queen."

Immediately I shove this man, who is twice my size, against the wall. "Don't speak of your queen in such a vulgar manner."

He smirks, "I knew you were fuckin' 'er. Tell me, does she fuck just as innocent as she looks, or does she fuck like a whore?"

"I swear to god," I snarl, pressing my dagger to his throat, "I will have your head."

"I'm only messin' wit' ya man. Don't piss yourself o'er it."

I sigh and release him. "If you really want to know, there's nothing between the queen and I. She's the wife of the king, and that be all."

"So when are ya gon' shag 'er?"

I shit him a look and he backed off, hands up in surrender. "I don't plan on doing anything with her that's deemed inappropriate."

"Jacob, we all see you two together. Even the men we're trainin' see it. The king has yet to notice because 'e's off fuckin' whores and servants every free time 'e 'as. You might as well do it."


"Why not?!"

"It's indecent. And once I took this position of being a knight, I took the oath of chastity, as you should know."

"Oh, come on, man! No knight, but you, actually keeps that oath."

"And that's why I'm second in command behind the king. I kept my word."

"The king even knows about the other knights and doesn't prosecute us."

"Like I said, I keep my word." As I begin to walk away, he chastises me again.

"Wait, man— Are you a virgin?"

I stop and turn back towards him. "Why does that matter?"

"My god, you are," he laughs.

"I am not. I only became a knight at twenty-five years of age. I was reckless before that time; the sex, the drinking, the fighting... I hardly knew what was right and what wasn't. Until Andrew gave me refuge and introduced me to his father, King Christopher. I cleaned myself up, I took an oath of knight-ship, not only to the king, but to myself and I stayed loyal to Christopher, God rest his soul. I intend to remain loyal to my best friend and brother, Andrew. And most importantly to myself."

"But be honest; you want the girl, right?"

I sigh in defeat. "Yes. Of course."

"Well, you better claim 'er for yourself before the whole camp takes 'er innocence."

My face contorts. "What do you mean?"

"There's no denying she's a beautiful woman. And with the king neglecting her, she's an easy target of the lusts on men. So claim 'er. For 'er own good."

A/N: HELLO! I'm sorry for that mishap last week of me accidentally updating. But here's the finished product.

Before you click away to the next book or what have you, I'm asking a huge favor: if you could follow my new wattpad account (milkandglitter ) that will be strictly for my original content. I'm testing out how that will go and I want you guys to know when I post, give feed back, etc. This will really help me with starting my college journey and career path. I'm probably going to post mostly scripts since I do want to be a screenwriter and film director, but we'll see. So please please please follow milkandglitter ! Thanks so much ❤️


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