XXIII: Rekindling

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A month later...

I flip the pillow cushion over. The dampness from my tears became uncomfortable. Though I should be used to the feeling at this point. We don't speak, Andrew and I. He can barely stand to be in the same room as me half the time. I can barely look him in the eyes. We still have yet to share the same bed.

I don't want it to be this way, honest. I've tried to make amends, but he won't even listen. It pains me. No matter how hard I try to hide my emotions behind this metaphorical mask, there's no hiding that I still love him, despite our dispute. I wish he could see that and even reciprocate that love. But alas...

A sudden knock on the door startles me. "Your highness?"

"Enter." I sit up in bed and quickly wipe the steams from my face.

"Your highness," a man walks in and bows. "The King insists that you come down and eat."

Oh, yes, I haven't been eating much as well, unless we have company...

I groan and fall back into the comfort of my bed. "Tell him that I decline—"

"He insists you come and that I must stay here and repeatedly tell you how much he insists that you come down."

I groan and mutter to myself, "He's relentless." I turn over and look at him. "How much is it going to cost to get you to just leave quietly?"

He laughs softly, "I can't take a bribe, I'm afraid."

"Damn. Well, allow me to get dressed. Must you escort me as well?"

"I'm afraid so."

I roll my eyes and sit upright once again. "Very well. Send in my hand maiden on your way out."

"Yes, your majesty," he bows and leaves.

With a sigh, I swing my limbs off the bed and force myself over to my wardrobe. As I go through my extensive collection of dresses, Millicent enters my room. "Oh, good morning, dear."

"G'morning," she beams. "You need me to dress you?"

"Please. Take your time, I'm in no hurry. I'd rather not be at the table as long as he will."

"You know he's going to wait for you to join him before he's served," she notes while searching for my undergarments.

"I suppose you're right— is this a fitting dress?"

"It's a very dark wash. You'll be boiling in that; it's the middle of summer. I suggest something else."

I roll my eyes and put the purple and black dress away. Much to my dismay, I pick out a light pink short sleeve dress and hold it up for her to judge. She smiled and nods. She makes her way over to me and set the pile of clothes down as I begin to strip away my sleep ware.


"Ah, look who finally decided to join us," he snarkily announces. With the wave of his hand, the severs begin to bring out breakfast. "Come. Sit. Don't just stand and observe." I now my head slightly and do as I am told. He sits at the head of the table while I sit at the foot.

I don't touch my plate. I just stare as he feasts. It's quiet. Not a sound to be heard but the clatter of the utensils against the sliver plates. The servants stand and shift uncomfortably, heeling the tension grow just as I can. I push my food around, still not in the mood to eat.

"You know," he begins, mouth filled to the brim, "if you don't eat on your own accord, I'll just have the servants force-feed you."

"You wouldn't, I know for a fact. No matter how much you hate me now, I know you wouldn't order someone to hurt me."

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