XXXIV: The War Council

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Put on an insincere smile, feign a happy attitude, push away any negative feelings— that's what it means to be wife to a king.

It's been months since I've seen Millicent. I'm sure she's well. I hope she's well. Mistress to the King... Am I bitter? You could say that. I won't deny it. I wish I could get this burden of knowledge off my chest and give Andrew hell for not just this, but everything he's done. I wish I could just turn back time and stop the murder of his father. Maybe things would be different.

I stand under a tent, watching Andrew and Jake train our men in the rain. I no longer help with training since confirming my pregnancy, but I still watch and give my opinion. Andrew has been more paranoid about an invasion, especially since I'm carrying his son. Everyone has been in high alert. But like I said, I think he's just paranoid. He's working these men to death. But they are fierce. They're almost a completely different group from when we first started.

"Keep it up, men! Don't slow, don't tire!" Andrew bellows. I watch as the men push themselves harder, despite the downpour. He walks over to me. "Anything?"


"Anything to say about how they're doing?"

"I think they're doing just fine."

"That's unacceptable. There has to be something."

I sigh, "Honestly there's not much more for them to learn in hand-to-hand. There hasn't been any strength training, no endurance, no—"

"How do you mean?"

"We're only trained them in fighting one-on-one. If there is to be a war, as you presume, these men don't know how to trek into the wilderness undetected, they have yet to fight in water or any other terrain. You have never been in war or trained for any of this to know what needs to be done."

"Neither have you," he scoffs.

I roll my eyes, "Yes, but I at least know what to do. Hamish passed all his knowledge to me from his own experience, being trained as a young boy, fighting and becoming in command to my father. Do you have a strategy? A plan?"

He huffs,"No."

"That's your first problem. You have a war table, Andrew. Use it."

"Well, help me!"

"I can't be King for you. You have advisors— let them advise. I stick to my duties as wife and queen."

"You know your mind is worth more than that." He steps closer and clasps his hands on my shoulders. " me—show me what to do and then leave me on my own. You won't have to worry about me again."

Of course I cave. I know our relationship well enough to know if I say no at first, all he has to do is use his charm and I'll do it. He has a hold on me.

The next day he established who exactly was on his war council and gathered them all in the upper room where the table was located. Advisors, high ranking soldiers, strategists, all here and then me– the most unqualified person here. The only woman here.

We all are circled around the table, me standing across from Andrew and right beside Jacob.

"You all know why you're here," Andrew states, "I've hand selected you as coordinators of this war, should it happen. I can't plan this alone and I need all of you every step of the way."

"Forgive me, my lord, for interrupting but why is she here? She's a woman. What qualifications does she have? No disrespect, my queen," Ulus glances.

"She's qualified enough. Do you dare question me?"

"No, my lord. My apologies, my lord."

Andrew shoots him one last look before starting again. "Now, since recieving that letter from Christian Coma, we've been on high alert from what may or may not emerge in regards to the Purdy's. As we all know, Christian's clan is strong and fierce in military strength, but not so in numbers. Being that it has been months since hearing from him, one can assume all is well. One could also assume the worst. At the end of this meeting, I would like to send a message of concern to him, so I'd like a pigeon on the ready. As for strategy, we are here," he places a wooden figure of the family crest on the map in the southern region. "We have one hundred-fifty thousand men. Most of which are now fully trained. Half of those fully trained are actually ready for battle." He picks up another figure with a crest and puts it over in Roster. "This is the domain of House Purdy. Land locked towards the north west, and getting towards the sea is difficult. But they know their terrain well; the woodlands and swamped areas, they can easily navigate within weeks, if that."

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