XXXII: Truth

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"Oh, please! Just give me any idea who he is! Is he a cook? A stable boy? A guard?!"

"With all due respect, miss," she glances up at me as she changes the bed linens, "I do not want you to get involved."

I roll my eyes, giving in. "Fine. But you're going to regret not telling me," I sing.

After going to Jeremy, we now know that Millicent was not ill, but with child! I have been attempting to get her to tell me who the baby's father is, but she will not budge. Nevertheless, it's wonderful news! The only problem is that she did not seem as happy as I was when we were given the news. I do hope the father isn't an arse.

She straightens out the bed one last time and sighs. "Is there anything else you—"

"Bella, my love," Andy interrupts, hands behind his back.

"Oh, hello, dear. You're here quite early. Should you not be off training?"

"I should, but something good came up."

"Well, what is it?"

"I commissioned the finest traveling merchants to retrieve the most beautiful necklace money could buy and they have just returned with my gift to you."

"For me?" I beam.  He reveals the beautiful baroque  box he hides behind him and opens it. The box is lined in plush blue velvet and atop the cushioning lies a breaktaking diamond and opal necklace. "Why, Andrew... It's stunning!"

"I knew you'd like it."

"Like it? I love it! It's absolutely gorgeous. Thank you, dear."

"We must host a party so you can wear it."

"I really don't think that warrants a party, but I thank you." I miss his cheek and set the jewels on my vanity. Something clicks and I turn and see Millicent still standing. "Oh honey, did you still want to talk?"

"No, my lady, just serving you."

"All right. You're dismissed then. And if you need anything during your pregnancy, you let me know. I will accommodate all your needs."

"Thank you, my lady." She leaves.

"Pregnancy?" He queries.

"Yes. I've been trying to get who that father is out of her but she just won't budge."

"Well does she even know who the father is herself? She seems a harlot."

"Oh, Andrew, don't be rude."

"I am not. Just making a comment."

"Well it's rude."

He chuckles. "Alright. I came up to give you a gift, and now I'm off hunting with Jacob." He kisses my cheek and starts for the door. "Don't wait for me," he calls out. The door shuts.

"I suppose I'm alone now."


I needed out. I started feeling nauseous. I couldn't look at Bella anymore.

I need to find Millicent.

I walk through corridors and find a servant boy. I call for him and he bows. "I need you to find the hand maiden, Millicent, and tell her to go to the stables immediately. Go." He was on his way.

I make my way to the stables myself, head still spinning. I start preparing my horse as I prepare myself for the worst. I brush him, absorbing his calmness.

I hear dainty footsteps behind me. She's here.

"Your highness—"

"When were you going to tell me that you were pregnant?" I turn and she stands in front of me with glossy eyes.

"I didn't have a set plan."

"But you told my wife."

"I hadn't much of a choice. Some signs can't be hidden. She's also quite nosey."

"You watch your tongue," I spit. "You else knows?" I sigh.

"Just the queen." We stand in silence, my head in my hands. She finally speaks again. "What are we going to do?"

I pick up my head and inch toward her. "We? You are going to keep quiet about this. You are never going to tell my wife who the father is. You are never going to talk about this to my wife again– so help me, I will have you beheaded and mount your head on a post along the castle walls. Do I make myself clear?" She nods. "When you start becoming noticeably different, you will no longer live here."

"Where am I to go? I have no way to get back to my home country."

"I own a villa outside of town that is no longer in use. You will have the baby and stay there with the child. I'll provide you with everything the two of you will need until you are married– and I shall arrange for that. You will no longer have contact with anyone here. I will make sure that you are content."

"Is that all? You're tossing me out. Andrew, I could be baring a son, something you the queen has yet to give you. What you deserve. You are willing to give up an heir, break the Biersack family lineage?"

I walk back over to my horse. "I will not have a bastard seated on my throne. Be grateful I am going to care for you and the child."

"Are we done, your grace?"

I mount my horse, looking down at her like the peasant she is. "We are done."

A/N: hi, im the worst! Here's the thing; I'm so very over fan fiction it's not even funny, BUT I'm determined to finish this one, and probably only this one. I graduated high school, I'm going to college in Chicago in August (so if you in Chicago and are in my age range hmu I need friends or I'll die lmao). After this, I probably won't use this account anymore.

I made another account for original content, but we'll see how often I use it. I also have a Radish account (another reading platform) that I'm gonna start using soon.

I'm going to school for screenwriting and possibly directing, so I will be writing for the rest of my life and hopefully you'll see some of my work.

For now if you actually want to keep up with me, go to my profile and follow me on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to my YouTube channel because I will be making a hell of a lot more videos.

Anyway to those who have stuck around, I love you dearly and I appreciate each and every damn one of you. I really thank you for giving me a platform to post these shitty stories and actually connect with y'all.

I'll see y'all soon (hopefully I'll post soon).


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