XI: New Perspective

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{Jinxx Ferguson}

"Thank you, Princess. Remember, you mustn't utter our encounter to a single soul. Not even to your beloved." I bow, tug on my hood, and turn away. I tuck away the ingredients into my cloak and went on my way. It amazes me, the lack of patrol on this property. You'd think, being a monarch, King Christopher would have soldiers always out. What a block head.

I sneak into the kitchen, up the staircase for the servants, 'round a few bends, and to my work space. The king had given me this room years ago, so I'd have a place to work on the music I compose for his events. But I have turned it in to somewhat of an apothecary, for I dabble in medicines, as well as poisons.

I place the bundle on the table and take off the heavy cloak. I sigh in content and run my hand through my hair, examining what was given.

"My, my..." I mutter. "He must really want to get the job done."

Everything given to me was highly lethal, and King Jaime wants me to combine them all; hemlock, belladonna, wolfsbane... Numerous effects, one final outcome. Painful, agonizing death.

Lord Dreux was very specific with his orders for this; make an elixir and contain it in a small vial, not to ask questions, and not to utter soul or he'd have me killed.

I don't know who he wants to kill, but who ever it is, he must loathe them with a passion. With a huff, I gather all I need and get to work.

{Jaime Dreux}

I watch from a distance. My little girl seems rather happy with the Biersack son. It breaks my heart knowing that I must break hers. But it's for the good of the family, for the good of the blood line. 

"Ah, Jaime!" A deep voice echoed through the hall.

I plaster a smile on my tired face and turn on my heel. "Christopher."

"Where are you off to?"

"My chambers. I, uh, I'm not feeling rather well."

"Oh. Would you care for an apothecary?  I can send for him--"

"No, no, it's quite all right. Just a bit of a head ache, nothing serious."

"Oh, all right, well, I'll leave you to it. Farewell, and I hope to see you at dinner."

"Aye, you will. Until then, my friend..." I turn back on my heel and continue on my way.

I needn't worry, for everything seems to be falling well into place in time for the wedding. And a grand wedding it will be, I'll make sure of that.

{Alexander Dreux}

"You sent for me, father?"

He opens his eyes and looked up at me from where he was sitting in his chambers. "Ah, yes. Come, sit, dear son, let's have a talk."

"A talk? What of?"

"A talk simply of this family— come and sit down."

I inch my way and sit in the empty chair across from his, nervously.  "What is—"

"How much do you love this family?" He crosses his arms.

"Oh, more than anything, sir."

"And our kingdom?"

"Something that we should all be proud of," I answer. He is silent and studies my features for a moment.

"But do you not think greater of our kingdom?"

I raise a brow, "How do you mean?"

"What do you think it takes for a kingdom to flourish?"

"Well," I ponder, "I suppose a loyal leader to make for loyal subjects—"

"That's where you're wrong?"


"For a kingdom to flourish, the king needs to have power. And lots of it. Especially if he deserves it."

"What are you going on about?"

"Oh," Father groans; "You skull is rather thick, isn't it?"

"There is no need for insults—"

"You want our kingdom to flourish, do you not?"

"Yes, Father, I do. But we are flourishing; we're the second most powerful nation."

"Yes, but we are not first!"

"And how do you intend to be first? Our friends, the Biersacks are the most powerful."

"See, now you're using your brain," he smirked. "I have a plan; this is a plan that has been thought about since before you were born. Since before your mother and I were betrothed. My son, we need to gain control over the south. Once we have the south, we will have the world."

"And how do you intend to do this?"

"Ah, that's where you come in: I gained some lethal substances and had the king's apothecary to make an elixir. An elixir so strong, it will kill instantly. I need you to pour said elixir into the drink of the Biersack prince on the day of Arabella's wedding."

"Kill Andrew?" I stare. I stand and pace with my head in my hand. "Father, this is treason!"

"I'm aware."

"Then you are aware that this will cause any of our family to die that day as well?"


"T-T-This will start a war!"

"And I am prepared for it. Hamish has been training our men for years for this great war."

"The south was our strongest allies! Who could really help us in this? Who would willingly help us? The Karamog are not too thrilled with our kind, and their barbaric warriors have much strength! They were certainly side with the south and we are—"

"Well prepared!" He gets up and holds my shoulders, looking into my eyes. "My dear son, you want power, I know you do. And I'm paving the way for you, for when you time to reign is here, you will have everything! I want you to have everything. Don't you want everything?"

"Well... Yes," I admit.

"Then please do this for your old, weary father... Think on it. Get back to me tomorrow."

"Aye. Yes, sir," I say softly. I bow and leave the room.

I have much to think about. Father is right, I do want power. Oh, I want power. But commit treason for it? Never... Right? God, this is so wrong! Andrew is a good man, I have no reason to kill him. And my sister...that would hurt her dearly. And we'd essentially be to war with her. But power... To be the greatest King...

There is much to think about.

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