XXII: Farewell

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"I'll write you, don't you worry."

"Yes, yes... Take care of Mother. She's been through too much being here."

"I will."

"Take care of yourself as well. You're a king now; isn't that wonderful?"

"Yes, sister, I suppose so." I cradle his cheek in my hand and he smiles sweetly. He takes my hand and kisses it. "We'll see each other soon enough."

"Precisely. I'll visit for Mother's birthday."

"Lovely... Take care, Arabella. Don't let your husband push you around just because he's a man and you're a woman. Keep standing up to him."

"I don't plan to back down any time soon. I love you, Alexander."

"And I love you, too." He pulls me into his loving embrace, squeezing me tightly to his chest. "We'll see each other in due time." After kissing my head, he pulls away and goes over to the carriage. I turn on my heels and see my mother. She's sullen, dressed in dark clothing, shielding herself from the sun with a black parasol. She still looks breath takingly beautiful.


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"I... I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of this."

"You didn't know that your father was a power hungry monster. None of us did," she says, words like venom. But she can't hide the single tear that falls down her porcelain face.

"Nonetheless, you loved him. We did... do. We believed his lies. His lies were good to us."

"No matter. The past is the past," she dismisses. "You saved your brother, that's all that matters... I won't have to return home alone."

"I only did what was right, Mother."

"And keep doing what's right. Andrew listens to you. Do what you can to survive here. I don't know what I'd do if I received a message regarding your death."

"That will never happen."

There's a slight void of silence. Just for a moment. "I regret not letting you be strong willed around others. You're stronger than you know."

"So are you. I love you," I quickly wipe a tear from my cheek.

"And I love you, too, love." She caresses my cheek and kisses my lips.

"I'll see you soon, Mother. For your birthday."

"Good, good... Well, I must be going."

"Yes, quite. I don't want to keep you. Safe travels."

"She smiles and with the help of the coachmen, she gracefully gets into the carriage.

With a heavy heart, I watch them pull away. I've never been away from my family before and now, so quickly, I'm torn away from them. This is it— my new life. I'm forced to live with a man who now potentially hates me... I watch until I can't see the caravan any longer.

"Madam?" I hear someone from behind me say. I don't turn to him, only answer a simple 'yes'. "The king requests your presence."

"Under what circumstances?"

"That, I am unsure of. He just wishes to see you in the throne room."

"I'm going to have to decline his request, I'm afraid. I feel rather weary and I would rather not be bothered with his... attitude."

"Yes, your majesty," he replies timidly. I hear him scurry along, going off to report back to his master.

I turn. "Millicent?"

"Yes?" She responds after I begin to walk off.

"Escort me to my chambers please?"

"Certainly." She catches up to me, now beside me. "Pardon me, I know it's not my place," she begins timidly, "But will you and the king be...all right?"

"You are correct, you are beyond you place to ask such a question as that."

"My apologies, ma'am."

The walk up to my quarters is silent, uneventful, successfully avoiding all kingsmen. "Thank you, Millicent. That'll be all."

She bows. "I'll be back when supper is served." As she heads to the door, I stop her.

"To answer your question from before... I hope we're all right. That's all I have right now. Hope... You may go."

A/N: I apologize for not updating yesterday. I was pretty much dead all day and didn't get to a computer.

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