XX: Damnation

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I hereby sentence you to death...



"Kill him!"

"Long live the Biersacks!"


The towns people jeer and berate as my father is brought out before them to the block. Days have past since the trial where I sentenced him to death. It pained me to do so, especially as he shouted derogatory slurs at me, but it needed to be done. As ordered by the king.

Mother has been cooped up in her room for the entirety of the madness and Alexander is still in holding. Leaving me alone. With Hamish. Jamie, I can't bare to call him, is being escorted with guards.

"Any last words?" A guard grumbles

"Nothing other than your king was weak and a fraud and I did you all a favor. Long live House Dreux, long live the East." I sigh at his arrogance. He still decides to tarnish our name to the grave I see.

I don't say a word. Just a simple gesture to the executor to carry on with what he has to do. He nods and without hesitation, he sets his sword at my father's neck. He lifts it high above his head and before he can bring it down, I turn away. I hear everything. The sound of the blade swiftly parting his head from his body, his head hitting the ground, the towns cheers...


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"It is finished, dear husband," I enter his room.

"I'm aware," he mutters from under his silken sheets. I feel his eyes burrow into my back as I sit a the table placed in the center of the room, pouring myself a cup of wine. "Are you alright?"

"Hm?" I glance back at him. "Oh. Yes. I just put my father to death. I'm quite well."

"I see."

"You don't say."

"I'm sorry. But it had to be done." His feet pat against the floor until they cease from behind me. I stiffen under his touch, but begin to relax as he nuzzles his face into my neck.

"I know. I just... wish it didn't have to be. My mother has yet to come from her bedding room. I worry for her."

"I rarely have seen my mother as well."

"Are you still... angry?"

Of course I am," he kisses my neck. "Very much so. Livid even. There's still no justice for my father's death— But I have yet had time to cherish my bride."

"Still no justice?" I think aloud, ignoring his statement.

"Well, yes," he sighs, "Your brother is still in holding."

"Alexander?... And what is to be of him?" The heat of his mouth is no longer met with my skin as he drifts away.

"Death." His word soft, but firm.

"Andrew you can't be serious," I turn. "He has done no wrong!"

"But he has!"


"He made the conscious decision to kill my father—the king! He easily could have handed your father over to the authorities, but failed to do so. Death shall be his penalty!"

I brake the unnerving silence that had crept into the room. "You just want to take everyone away from me, don't you..."

"I am doing what's right by the fucking law! Why can you not see that, Arabella? Love is blind!"

I swallowed all the contents of the cup and stood. "I can say the same to you." I stand without a word, no eye contact with him, and heading towards to door.

Quick and light on his feet, he stops me before I can go. "Where are you going?" His voice is softer. He cups my chin delicately in his cold hand, tilting my head to look him in his eyes. Those stark blue eyes.

"Please let me go."

"No. We have yet to be cordial since the wedding... Bella, please. I just want to be with you right now. I need you." He pulls me in close by my waist with grace and passion. No matter how angry I am with him, no matter how far I'd rather be away from him, he has me hooked and he knows it.

His face is now so close, barely any room for a sheet of parchment between us. He keeps me waiting, expecting and on edge for him to meet our lips, the tease he is. Pushing, we stumble backwards, falling on the bed. As soon as my body makes contact with the luscious sheets and luxurious bed, my head gets slightly cloudy, and fatigue slightly washes over me. But only for a moment. I pay no mind to it, continuing to focus on what's at hand. His hand. His touch is gentle as it travels seemingly everywhere: My arms, my neck, my legs, torso, chest. I shiver under his touch.

No longer locking eyes with me, he finally kisses me after begging with breathy neediness. His tongue is sweet, yet tasteless all at once. The sensitivity of his touch beings to lull me to sleep, but I shake it off, flipping the two of us so that I'm on top, giving me a sudden burst of life.

My arse sits perfectly in the palms of his hands and my fingers twist with ease within his dark locks. A quick pang of pain rips up my nose to my head and I quickly cease our kissing and hold my head in my hand.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes. Quite. I just... Have a slight pain and—" a yawn interrupts my speech. "And a little tired."

"Oh, should I—"

"No, no," I assure. "Keep going, love."

He smiles and sits up, with my legs wrapped around his waist. He cups my cheek and kisses me once more. The more time progresses, the harder it is for me to stay awake...

He lays us back down on the bed, and shifts us on our side. He gently pulls away. I open my eyes to look at him in confusion, but my vision is askew.


"Shhh, my love... Just sleep."

I fumble over my words, not able to form a coherent sentence. I watch him through the blur walk away from the bed. And before I could attempt to do anything, I fall into a slumber.

A/N: update woo! (Just to clarify, yes Andy did drug her through her wine, but no, he does not rape her while she's sleeping. He just leaves the room). I'm realizing how long this story is getting and how long it's going to be. I have quite a handful of subplots for this story and I haven't even gotten to the second one. And I'm not making a sequel. So this is just going to be ultra long and I hope you're okay with that and will stick around. I only see a few people who vote on a consistent basis, and I consider them my "loyalists" so to y'all (you know who you are), thank you dearly. I have a lot of fun writing this (kind of) and I'm excited to see where my mind takes it and how y'all will react. Because. I got some fucking tricks up my sleeve.


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