XXXIII: The Fire

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"I will not have a bastard seated on my throne. Be grateful I'm going to care for you and the child..."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I was aware of Andrew's infidelity, but I didn't think it would get this far. My gods...

"So that's it?"

There was a pause.

"That is all."

A horse rushes out of the stable. The king. I watch him ride off in the distance in disgust. That's the man I call my best friend, my brother.

I'm hit in the chest, stumbling back a bit.

"Oh," the woman sniffs, "Please, forgive me."

"No, no, it's quite alright."

"Excuse me," she runs off. The mistress.

I run my fingers through my hair and make my way to the stables, saddling up my horse. I have nowhere to go. I just need to clear my head a bit.

I've been thinking about Arabella. With what happened with us, I was consumed with guilt. I was upset with myself for betraying my friend, just to satisfy my sins. But now? Now I have no remorse about the matter. I love her and she does not deserve the treatment she gets.

I ride leisurely and find myself in town. Maybe some interaction will do me well. I dismount my horse and take her by the reigns as I walk. The City is calm, welcoming. Women hanging linens, children playing in the streets... I miss it sometimes. When I wasn't drunk, it was a nice place to be. Who am I kidding, even when I was drunk it was lovely. So different from the castle. There's a loving connection here.

I travel to the market square where all the buzzing of life is. The merchants aggressive, yet kind, and the and citizens yelling out barters. Goats and chickens add to the loudness of the square. I smile, watching the life of my old home. As I stroll, I come across a merchant's tent of what seemed to be hand carved sculptures. I stop to look, admiring all the intricate details in the figures of dogs and birds, boats and busts of gods. But the one thing that really caught my eye was something seemingly out of place. Some sort of metal, maybe bronze or brass. The design engraved was gorgeous. I hadn't a clue what it was, but I know Bella would like it.

"I see you fancy that lamp," a man says. Must be the merchant.


"Yes, an oil lamp. Imported from Desai and used only by royalty, in replace of candles."

"It's stunning."

"Some say it holds magic powers."

I smile, "Do you believe so?"

"No," he says plainly. I laugh.

"How much do you want for it?"

"Fifty gold."

I frown, "Fifty? That's preposterous."

"Fifty," he repeated.

I sigh. I want to get this for Bella. "I'll give you twenty."

He stares at me. "Forty-five."

"Thirty. That's my final offer. You're not going to be able to sell this. Not here. No one but me."

Exasperated, he gives in. "Fine. Thirty pieces it is." I smile, knowing I did well and bought something nice for Arabella. "What use do you have of this anyway?"

"I do not. It is a gift." We exchange what we agreed on and I'm on my way. The sun is beginning to set and I decide to head back home.

On my journey, I continue to think about Andrew's predicament. He's not going to tell Arabella, I know he's not... But she should know, right? I don't suppose it's my place to tell, but this involves her as well... She has been through enough pain as it is I suppose. All from being here. I just want the best for her is all.

I return my horse to the stable and walk back in to the castle with the gift in hand. Feeling peckish, I make my way to the kitchen. There, I see the woman from earlier. I get a good look at her now. She's young, beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as Arabella.

I sit at the table, staring at the meal in front of me. As delicious as it looks, I can't bare to eat. The smell making me slightly nauseated. I had been feeling this way for a bit now and I believe I know the cause. I should be happy, right? I've been wanting a child for some time now, but...

"You don't look well," Andrew says.

"I'm fine, I just," here it comes, " please excuse me." I stand, bow, and rush from the dining hall.

I can't make it back to my room.

I stop at a window and the contents of my stomach come to the surface. A servant rushes to my aid but I stop her. "I'm alright, honest," I assure. "Tell the king I won't be returning to dinner."

Sluggishly, I return to my room and sit on my bed. I think, dreading the fact I could be pregnant. The way everything is falling into place there is a chance this child may not even be Andrew's, but Jacob's.

I walk over to my vanity and look at my reflection in the mirror. I've aged. I see it in my face. My eyes. They don't have the life they used to. I reach for my brush but my hand knocks something. I look and see something that wasn't there before. There's a note underneath.

I was in the market and saw this. It's an oil lamp from Desai. I saw how beautiful it was and thought of you. Nothing but the best for the Queen. Long shall you reign.


I smile and hold it in my hands. It is, indeed beautiful. Oh, Jacob...

This just makes it harder to tell Andrew of our affair. We weren't in a good place at all— Jacob was. But I don't love him. I didn't love him. I love Andrew. Jacob is just a dear friend who I can rely on. Strictly a platonic love.

There's a knock on the door. Before I can tell the visitor to come in, a parchment is slid under the door. I walk across the room to pick it up.

The king had an affair with your hand maiden and said mistress is now with child. Do not mention it to him. Do not mention it to her. She will be killed if he finds that you know. I just thought you should. I'm sorry.

Burn this once read. He mustn't know.

My heart shatters. Millicent, my best friend. Andrew, my husband and king. How could he be so reckless! How could she do this to me? How could they do this to me? Hot tears stream off my face and causes the ink to bleed on the paper.

I walk, shaking, to the fire place and stare into the flames. I toss the note into the fire and watch it burn, my heart along with it.

There's no way in hell that I'm telling him now.

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