X: Fitting

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"Arabella, dear, wake up." I'm shaken until I start to open my eyes.

"Mother? What is it?"

"Get up. It's almost time for your fitting."

"Fitting? Fitting for what?"

"For your wedding dress, love! Now come on, get up."

That seems to have slipped my mind. Or I wasn't informed. Mother has been planning this whole thing, along with Andrew's mother. I was to plan alongside them, but they want it to be a surprise. Not that I have a problem with it.

I toss off the covers and swung my legs over the bed. I yawn and stretch before I get up. My mother rummages through my drawers and chests and wardrobes, Millicent standing respectfully by her to catch any clothing my mother throws back. "I need you to dress quickly and head to my chambers. Leith is there waiting with your dress. Don't take too long." She strides out of the room with elegance and ease, leaving me to get dressed. Millicent rushes to me to help me disrobe from my night gown.

The garment my mother chose was not anything grand. Just a simple grey form fitting dress. No corset, no caged crinoline, no bustles, nothing. Just a soft fabric that clings to my body. I don't feel the need to wear shoes. Millicent escorts me to Mother's room.

Many were already there, sitting, chatting, and waiting. They all turn to look at me when I enter. Mother was there and so was Andrew's, both of their help, Andrew's Aunt, others that I didn't know, and of course Leith.

"Oh good, darling, you're here," Mother smiles. "Now come, put on your dress."

I go to Leith and his welcoming smile and he guides me behind a partition for the reveal. And a beautiful dress lay wait.

Oh, it is glorious. Nothing extravagant, just beautifully simple. Bright white fabric, with a laced neckline and sleeves. The waistline had a jeweled band around it, with pale gold accent pieces. The train was long enough that it wasn't overwhelming. It was gorgeous. "Leith... It's- it's breathtaking."

"Well, I'm thrilled that you like it," he beams. "I will go so you can put it on. Just walk out when you have finished." He turns on his heel and joins my mother and the others. I look over the dress once more before stripping down and changing. The fabric gliding against my skin felt heavenly. Leith knows what he's doing. Everything fits perfectly.

"Alright. I'm ready to come out."

"Well, come out dear. We haven't all day," Mother responds. I shake my head and step out. The faces of everyone light up, emitting a gasp from their lips. "Oh, Bella, darling..."

"You look beautiful, dear," Amée smiles. I turn and face the mirror that's across from me, smiling.

I have to say, I look gorgeous. I don't care how that may sound to you, but it's the prettiest I've ever looked. I run my hands down my sides, the fabric still feeling just as great, maybe even better.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Leith rushes to his trunk and takes out a long piece of fabric that's attached to something. He walks over to me and places it atop of my head. The veil and crown. It was the icing on the cake. "A true queen," he smiles.


"Mother tells me that you were fitted for your dress today."

I laugh softly to myself. "Yes, I was. There's just a few spots Leith has to take in and it will be perfect."

"Wonderful...I'm actually rather happy we're getting married now," he stopped and looked at me. 

"Are you?"

"Indeed. We've become rather good friends, I would say. We talk to each other nearly everyday. It's definitely a better relationship than when we first started."

"Oh, yes, agreed."

"It's better to marry a friend than a stranger. It just makes things...simpler."

"Simple is one way to put it," I chuckle to myself. 

"Arabella!" A voice yells from down the hall. The two of us turn to the source and see my mother storming towards us. "Arabella, you know you mustn't be alone with your betrothed. Ever."

"I'm sorry, Mother," I bow my head. "We were only talking, that's all."

"No matter. Come with me, darling," she grips my arms and pulls me away from Andrew.


"My apologies, dear Andrew, but I need my daughter. Excuse us."

"Mother, what are you doing?!"

"Look," she whispered once we were far enough from Andrew. "Your father made it overwhelmingly clear that you, Arabella, must take this to Jeremy Ferguson. He's a servant boy by the stables." She hands me something wrapped up in multiple layers of cloth.

"What is it?"

"I haven't the slightest idea, but you must take it to Jeremy, now. It's urgent. He'll know who you are. And you mustn't tell anyone of this. Not a single word. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mother."

"Good. Now go."

A/N: A little suspicious, isn't it? What do you think Arabella had to take? What role do you think Jinxx takes in all of this? Hm... Picture of Elaine Dreux (Janet Montgomery) is attached. I'm aware she looks very young. That's the point, and that'll be explained later why Arabella's father is so old and her mother is so young. 


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