IX: Ruling with an Iron Fist

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{King Jamie Dreux}

There is much I have to do, in order for this wedding to work out in my favor. If the plan falls through, all that I have been working for would be for nothing. My friendship with the Biersacks, the marriage I have with Elaine and the children we have, the alliance I have with the south- it'd be all for nought if this plan did not work out.

I need to expand my kingdom. The Biersacks have too much land, and I have very little in comparison. Christopher is hardly a king. He doesn't hold a candle to me. I am the greater king, and I deserve to rule as such! No matter. I've been watching. Watching my daughter and the prince. He's finally starting to grow fond of my little angel. Makes the plan all the easier. Less likely for the boy to back out or run off or something cowardly.

"Dear," my wife coos, "what's troubling you?"

"Much. But nothing you have to worry about, love. Just... Men's business."

"Are you sure there's no way I can help you?"

"Only if you can bring Hamish here for me..." I close my tired eyes and rub my face, leaning back into this chair.

"Certainly. I'll go get him now. Any specific message?"

"No, no. Just tell him that we need to talk. Thank you."

She kisses my head. "It's not a problem, sweetheart." She exists the room and leaves me to my thoughts.

There's many ways we could go about this. Using weapons is an option, but could end up having a flawed outcome. We could always have someone else do the dirty work. Though, that's a bit cowardly. Rumors are too petty, I feel, to have him locked up or sentenced to death... I've got it: poison! It's brilliant! It's effective, no mess, not easily traced, it's--

"You needed to see me, Jamie," my friend bursts through the doors.

"Ah, yes," I stand and greet him. "I wanted to go over the plan..."

"Oh. I thought it was more urgent."

"More urgent? What can be more urgent than this?"

"For one--"

"Never mind that. Hamish, we need to figure out or exact plan to terminate the rule of the future king, and take the land." I sit in down in the chair I was previously in and stood in front of him.

"What do you propose we do?"

"I say poison."

"And how the hell are you to obtain that without suspicion?"

I didn't think of that. "Get one of the servants to do it. Use threats. There has to be someone in this entire castle that make something... Strong and lethal."

"And if you are to get said poison, how are you--"

"We," I remind.

He sighs. "How are we going to do this?"

"This is where you are to help, my friend."

"Jamie," he groans, rubbing his tired face. "I thought you were going to come up with the plan and I just help out with the labor."

"I didn't make you head knight- second in command- just for your physical abilities. You strategize."

"Yes, but I only follow your strategy in combat."

"Will you just please help me?!"

"Alright, fine, but I can't promise that it'll be great. And we must be cautious! We already fucked up with that nosey guard! We can't have another innocent casualty."

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