XVII: A Wedding, A Feast, and Some Treason

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The hall is filled with people, allies from around the world. Familiar and unfamiliar alike all gave us their congrats. Many seem to have taken a liking to my beautiful bride. I can see why. She's all one could ever hope for in a bride and Queen.

I smile as I watch her greet our guests. She looks absolutely stunning. She, adorned in her beautiful white and gold dress, looked breathtaking. The jewels in her hair glittered in the light. Her crown seemingly glowing, her face looking even more beautiful. The way she smiles, conversing with everyone. She is truly a blessing from God.

"Darling," I murmur in her ear. "We should be going to the reception soon."

"Alright, I'll finish up," she smiles that radiant smile I adore. She shakes the hands of the old couple she was speaking to and turns to me.

"You are so beautiful."

"So you have mentioned," she laughs.

"I can't help but keep telling you how glorious you are."

"We are married... I still can not believe," she mutters.

"Yes. It's wonderful, isn't it?" I kiss her forehead and pull her along. "Come now. We must be going."



The weather outside is absolutely beautiful. The heat is just right, with a gentle breeze that cools just so. The sun shines bright, beaming off the glass on the tables. I watch from afar the guests attempting to locate where they are to be seated. Everyone looks so elegant and sophisticated in their attire and mannerisms. The servants even have new uniforms for the occasion (which was very generous of Christopher and Amée to provide).

Over in the distance, Alexander paces underneath the balcony. I call out his name and he turns with a terrified expression clear on his face. His face softens into happiness and he makes his way over. "Sister," he coos. "How does marriage feel?"

"Rather ordinary. It could be because of how comfortable I am with Andrew—"

"Queen Arabella, Prince Alexander? Pardon me, but we need you two to clear out so we can announce you to the guests," a servant spoke.

"Yes, quite. We'll be on our way." He bows and shuffles off, resuming to work.

"Well, I am happy for you, sister," Alexander smiles as we walk. "You've become quite the beautiful woman, and I admire your strength walking into something this fearful. You'll be a glorious queen."

"Thank you," I blush slightly.

"I will miss you dearly—"

"And I, you, brother."

"Please don't miss me too dearly, for I'm not deserving of it."

"How could you possibly say that? Of course I'll miss you—we've been inseparable for as long as I can remember; of course I'm going to miss you quite a bit. But home is only a fortnight's journey. We won't be so far."

He stares, some emotion in his eyes that I get detect. "Right. Besides the point. I love you dearly and—" His eyes shifts to over my shoulders and I turn to see Andy coming up in the distance. "I hope you won't stop loving me." We turn to each other and he grabs me in an embrace. "Do not drink the wine at anytime during the feast. I beg of you, do not drink the wine, Arabella," he mutters. He holds me tightly for a moment then runs off.

I stand in awe and am slightly startled when Andy wraps his arm around my waist. "Ready to go, my love?"

"Y-Yes, sure."

I attempt to walk, but he holds me in place and turns me to him. His left hand palms my cheek and he presses our foreheads together, brushing against my lips with his. "You look absolutely... Ravishing, my dear."

"Do I?"

"Immensely so. I wish I could just consummate our marriage right now..." 

Right. Consummating the marriage. Sex. I forgot about that.

"I-Is that so?" I breathe as he moves closer, which I didn't think was even possible. He chuckles, kissing my lips gently. My hands wrap inside of his cape, pulling him towards me in loving need.

The fanfare trumpet sounds and we smile against each other's lips. "And now presenting your new king and queen of the Southern Kingdom, Andrew and Arabella Biersack!"

Andrew holds out his arm and I lock elbows with him as we walk out to the party. I smile and nod to the guests who stand and clap in celebration for our unity in God.

Andrew pulls out my chair for me that sits behind the table where the both families are seated. My father places my hand over mine and we share a loving grin. "You look beautiful, my dear," he mutters.

Andrew stands, "I thank you all for attending such a wonderful event in our lives. Some of you traveled great distances just to bare witness of our marriage, and the queen and myself are grateful for all of your attendance.  We appreciate your kindness towards us, and we especially appreciate the gifts," he smiles and everyone laughs. "In return, feast as much as you'd like, drink, dance! Be gay! Enjoy yourselves!" He picks up his chalice and raises it, everyone following suit.

"I beg of you, do not drink the wine, Arabella..."

"Here's to happiness. Here's to life."  Everyone raises their chalices to their lips, taking a drink of the wine... Everyone but me.

Andrew sits back down, takes my hand and brings it to his lips.


"You have yet to touch your wine, my love." The evening had progressed for a little while; everyone was on their third cup just about.

"Oh, yes. Well, I just don't feel the need to drink is all." He nods and lets the situation be. I took note that Alexander had gotten up and left, but to where? Who knows... He's beginning to worry be, being suspicious and warning me of crazy things. I hope all is well.

The guests are enjoying themselves, dancing to a giddy tune and laughing amongst themselves. I smile at their happiness, for it makes me happy.

"Another drink!" Christopher gleefully bellows, raising his chalice to the heavens. A servant boy rushes to the former king and from his pitcher, pours the old man the blood red drink.

My father-in-law, with a smile on his face, takes a sip and continues in his laughter. In his joyous time, he coughs in between his laughs. I watch him pick up his chalice once more and take another drink to clear his throat, but matters only get worse. He stands abruptly, clutching his heart, continuing to cough.

"Your majesty, are you alright?" A guard asks.

Andrew stands and places his hand on his father's back and I stand as well. "Father!" My husband shouts. He attempts to aid Christopher, but he slaps him away. His eyes bulging, his face turning from red to blue. Andrew throws his crown to the ground and rushes to his side as he collapses to the ground. His eyes leaking blood, struggling to breathe.  Guards rush to him with Andrew. But he stops his struggle. He stops moving.

"He's been poisoned," my father shouts, now standing.

Andrew screams. "Father! Father!"

Amée wails. "Christopher! O, my husband!"

The guests erupt in madness.

"He's dead!"

"This is treason!"

"Who could've done this?!"

I look around in a panic for where Alexander could be. Please don't let it be so. "Do not let anyone leave!" Andrew howls. "We will find exactly who has done this! There will be no rest until there is justice!"

Tears are streaming down my face and I cry into the shoulder of my mother. Father gets from behind the table and stands with the others around the body.

"Where is your brother?" My mother whispers.

"I haven't the slightest idea... But I believe he's in danger."

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