VI: He's An Odd One

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"You're sure you know nothing of Veyal?"

"I'm sure, your grace." The guard bows.

"Fine. You're dismissed."

I've come up with nothing. I asked half of the guards men, and none of them know a thing as to what could of happened to the guard, Veyal, to end up like this. I pace and think, and think and pace. Who could've possibly killed him? Why did they? Did he owe money? Was he a threat? All questions that needed answering.

I groan in defeat and go to the kitchen for food. I usually don't come down here, since the royals aren't really supposed to be in the kitchen. Part of some hierarchy bullshit... Upon arrival, I see two cooks in the corner of the room, not doing their jobs. It seems as if one woman is crying and the other is comforting. "What is going on here?"

The two quickly turn around and curtsy. "Your grace-"

"I said, what is going on here? You," I point. "Why are you crying?"

"Why, your grace, my lover... He's dead." She continues to sob.

My eyes widen. "Tell me, was he Veyal?"

"Y-Yes, your grace."

"Do you know why this could've happened?"

"I'm not certain. He told me the day before he disappeared that he found out something he shouldn't and he needed to inform someone else."

"Did he tell you what it was?"

"No, your grace."

Well, it's more than what I had... "Thank you. And I'm terribly sorry for your loss." Turning in my heel, I grab a pomegranate and two rolls and head back upstairs.

"Andrew!" A voice calls out to me. I turn and see Arabella's brother running towards me.

"Oh, Alexander. Hello," I smile.

"Good evening. I heard about the guard..."

"Oh, yes. Terrible thing to have happened."

"Agreed. Is there any word as to what might have happened?"

"I'm on my way to give the news to my parents now."

"Do you mind if I join?"

"Oh, no, please do... How're you enjoying your stay here?"

"It is absolutely wonderful here. Your servants are trained so much better than ours."

"I admit, they are well behaved... Have you fucked one of the servant girls yet?"

"I don't know if I was allowed."

"Of course! If they agree, have your way with them. Do you know Osmine?
Pale, beautiful dark hair, striking green eyes with a small birthmark on her chin?"

"Yes, I believe she attends to me in the mornings."

"I recommended her. Best fuck in the castle. The guards know it to."

"So she's a whore?"

"Not at all, she just has some interesting techniques. She is from Karamorg."

His face lights up. "I've heard of Karamorgian girls..."

I clasp my hand on his shoulder. "I bet you have, my friend. I bet you have."


"Is that all?"

"Well, yes, Father. We do have a rather large staff. I have yet to get the chance to ask all of the guards. Like I said, this information came from a women in the kitchen."

"Fine. You may go."

I nod at my father and turn on my heel, Alexander trailing right behind me. The guards open the door for us to exit the throne room. "Do you think there's some plot?"

I raise a brow and look at my betrothed's brother. "What do you mean?"

He stares for a moment. "Nothing. Never mind."


"Just...Watch your back, you know? Don't get caught up with things that don't involve you. Don't want you ending up like that guard..."

I turn around to face him, to ask what he meant by that, but he was gone. He just vanished. Rather odd, if you ask me.

A/N: another short chapter. Picture of Alexander (Kit Harrington as Jon Snow from Game of Thrones) is attached. I just wanted to add that everyone has accents, like English accents. I'm drawing up a map of the world they're living in, since this is all completely fictional. Help get this to 1k ❤️

Also, check out my buddy invisibly_bliss and all of her works! 


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