XVI: Final Moments

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I wrap my calloused hands around the vile, clutching it as if my life depended on it, when in fact it was my death doing all the depending. I pace, ignoring my father's string of words. I've made up my mind, but the buzzing remains. I am beginning to welcome this coming darkness, so this'll all be over. I'm hopeful I'll have everlasting life than eternal damnation, but I could see why I'd have the latter.

"Alexander— are you listening to me?" He pulls me from my thoughts and I look up, tucking the vile away in my trousers. He sighs clasps his hand on my shoulder, softening his features. "You needn't worry, my son. All will work in our favor. Trust—have faith in me."

"Father. I am going to die." My eyes burn into his, his eyes flickering in time to the crackling fire beside us.

"I will not let that happen. I promise you that."

I shrug his hand from off of me and walk to the table where cups and a bottle sat. I poured myself a cup of wine and sat I front of the fireplace. I stare at the fire consuming the logs, wondering how my life got to this point.

I hear my father sigh and walk up behind me, the heat of the body radiating onto my neck. Clamping both hands on my shoulders, he rocks me a bit, squeezing the flesh and clothes between his hands. "Oh, my son," his voice lowers as he rests his chin on my head. "Tomorrow is a day of celebration. Your sister is going to be married. We're about to have more power than you've ever imagined." He kisses my head continues to knead my shoulders.

With a sigh, I swallow done the rest of the wine and throw the cup into the flames. I shrug Father off of me and stand. He makes his way in front of me, locking our eyes. "Don't act suspicious."

I sigh and push past him straight out the door. I shut the door behind me and lean my back against it, and out of nowhere, I scream rips through my body and past my lips. I tousle my curled tresses, and close my eyes, taking a deep breath. A gather myself, making myself decent, and walk away.

The halls were quite busy, on account of the wedding. All the servants hustling about, trying to make everything perfect. Women decorating the place with beautiful floral arrangements, men transporting tables and chairs and whatnot. Security is heightened. But yet, no one is paying much attention. It could be because I am a Nobel and seemly not someone to worry about. Their mistake.

I jump, startled because of the hand that this placed on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, my boy," the man laughs. "I didn't mean to frighten you." I turn to see the large, jolly King Christopher.

"It's quite alright."

"Do you mind if we have a chat?"

"Oh," I clear my throat. "No, not at all."

We begin to walk. He doesn't say anything for a bit. He just drinks from the cup he holds in his left hand and spins the rings on his right. "I only have one child. A son," he starts. "I love Andrew dearly. He's my pride and joy, my heir... But I always wanted another child. And now that your sister is joining my son in holy matrimony, I'll have two more children in the eyes of God. It's a wondrous feeling knowing I'll have another son, maybe not by my loins, but nonetheless— and I'll have a daughter, oh!" He smiles brightly as he goes on. "My apologies if I'm making you uncomfortable."

"No, no, you're quite alright."

"I'm just a happy man. My Andrew finally will have his shit together, I will retire my throne, and have a new family. I don't have much time on this earth, I know. At least I get to see my son married and get to enjoy this wonderful family extension... Even if I die tomorrow, after the wedding of course, I'll be okay."

I stop in my tracks. The gears in my mind start to crank and everything falls into place. I shake the thoughts from my head momentarily. "Don't be so morbid, sir."

He laughs as we continue walking. "I'm not being morbid, I'm being matter-of-fact."

"I suppose."

"It's life, son..." He stop us and faces me. "You're a good man, Alexander. I can tell. The way you look out for your little sister, your mother, even your father. You'll be a great king, I know you will. Maybe you'll even meet a lovely young woman at the wedding tomorrow... I wish you the best of luck on your return back home. And I look forward to all your endeavors."

I swallow the lump in my throat and smile weakly. "Thank you, sir. Truly."

"Well, I'll be seeing you. Bright and early tomorrow. It's a celebration!" His hardy voice and laugh bellows throughout the hall. He bids another farewell and goes on his way.

I'd hate to do this. But he said it himself, he wouldn't mind. Now Andrew doesn't have to die. Chris will take his son's place. Father isn't going to like this...


"Knock, knock," the familiar voice rang through my room. I don't sit up the bed to look at her. I just keep my head down. "Oh, darling, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, Mother..."

"Nonsense! You were just happy as can be moments ago. It's the night before your wedding day, you should be— Oh..." The bed shifts and a hand starts to rub my back. "You're nervous, aren't you."

"How could I not be?"

"Oh, darling... I know it's much to handle and take in. You'll be living in a new place, without your family. You'll have new responsibilities, you'll be a woman officially, having to bare children. You'll be a queen, for God's sake."

"You're not helping, if you think you are, Mother."

"Trust me, sweetheart, I know how difficult it is. I had to go through the same exact thing, but at thirteen years old."

I frown and sit up to look at my mother. "Thirteen? What? I thought you were wed at an older age."

"Oh, hno. I was thirteen and your father was in his thirties. You lucked out with your age gap, I'll tell you that... My family had lied about my age, since I looked very mature for my age. My age was revealed a year into the marriage and I was already pregnant with Alexander. I had him at fifteen, still helping your father rule the East. That's why there's such a gap between you and Alexander's ages; your father wanted to wait until I was older to have another child..."

"You never told me any of this."

"I never expected to, either. My point is that I understand that you're afraid and it's alright. Though your marriage is arranged, you still managed to fall in love somewhat before hand. That's something to be proud of."

"I suppose you're not wrong, but what if—"

"Darling, there's nothing to worry about, love. Everything will run smoothly tomorrow and your life will be wondrous. You are a strong and intelligent woman. You and Andrew will rule this kingdom like no other."

I flash a smile and hug her. It wasn't much, but it was reassuring. Maybe everything will be okay. I'm worrying over nothing.

"You should rest. You have an early morning, love." She stands and kisses the top of my head. "Sleep well darling. Tomorrow will be a beautiful day."

A/N: I apologize for not updating in a while. And I'm clearly not going to finish this by the end of the year (Happy New Years Eve), but here's this. Next chapter is the wedding.

ALSO! I finally got all the social network pages done for my band! So please please please go follow/like us! If you message me that you followed any of the platforms, I'll check out your stories and give feedback, maybe follow you.

Instagram: lovecraft.band
Twitter: lovecraftband

Thanks so much for an amazing year you guys, honestly ❤️

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