XXX: Nothing More

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A fortnight has passed since Jacob and I had our passionate rendezvous. Guilt had overwhelmed us the moment we were finished. Of course, we still love each other, but going against Andrew like that really got to us. Nothing has changed between us; we're still close friends. We just regret that night for moral reasons.

I watch as Jake and Andy spar to pass the time. Both quick on their feet and daring enough to almost kill one another. It makes me nervous how close the two of them get to chopping a hand off, but I know they're skilled and are in control. "You look fatigued, brother," Andy quips.

"Ah, but it is you that looks about ready to give in, Andrew, not I." Jake strikes from above but Andy counters the attack and kicks him in the chest. Jake, coughing, stumbles to the ground and loses his grip on his weapon. Andrew brings his sword down, and Jake rolls over in enough time before his friend killed him. Quickly, he grabs his weapon and gets back on his feet.

It amazes me how they do this every day, training the average man, and yet still find it entertaining to fight each other. I, for one, am tired of it all, bored even. I wasn't always like this, as you know. When I had Hamish training me, I looked forward to sparring every chance I got. Now... I never thought I'd say it, but I'd rather be in the castle, doing...nothing. I haven't had the chance to play the harp in ages, and I would love to get back into writing music. Nevertheless, I can't change the fact that I'm here.

Back and forth they go, striking and taunting. For a while, it seemed like Jake had the upper hand until, suddenly, Andy pinned Jake to the ground with his sword against his neck. "Do you forfeit?"

"On any other day, I'd say 'no,' but God you reek," he laughed. "Fuck off me." He pushes Andy off of him and gets up, helping his winning partner on his feet as well. The both clap each other on the shoulder and depart.

"I truly did not believe you were going to win," I smirk as my husband walks over to me.

He shakes his head mockingly, "Ye of little faith."

"Are you going to spar with me ever?" I say, lowly and I pull him in by his tunic.

"Mmm," he hums, "in combat or other means?"

I laugh a bit as he places his hands low on my back. "My god, you are diaphoretic," I comment, the sweat dripping from his hair onto my tunic.

"It would seem so. Do I reek as such as Jacob remarked?"

"No, not in my opinion. I am used to your various scents, though."

He chuckles before kissing my head. "In that case, I need to take care of this. I'll be back." He pulls away from me, not before kissing my lips.

As soon as he departs, Jake gets up from the log he was sat on, all the while pouring water atop of his head, laughing as he shakes it off.

"Truth be told, I wasn't expecting you to lose," I taunt him.

"Neither was I."

I pick up a rag and hand it to him. "Is Andrew becoming more skilled or are you losing it?"

"Me? Losing my skill? Never." He wipes his face, "This was merely luck."

"Mmm. That's what you call it?"

"Are you patronizing me?"

"Not at all. I just think if my husband can defeat you, surely, so could I."

He's first taken aback by my boldness, but his shocked expression turns smug. "Is that so?"

"How hard could it be? I've defeated Andrew numerous times, and Andrew has defeated you."

He chuckles, "I—"

"Jacob," someone shouts, "You're needed!"

Jake groans and rolls his eyes. "We'll talk about this later."

"No need to talk, just fight."

With and smile on his face, he gently pushes a stray hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. He said nothing, but with just that action alone, he spoke many. He turns on his heel and returns back to camp. I am alone. A great part of me wants to wait for Andy's return, but I think it best to return back to camp as well. With a sigh, I straighten out my armour and pick up my sword, and return to camp.



"This is the last time we do this."

She flips her fiery hair and smirks. "You say this nearly every day."

"I mean it this time."

"That too."

"I'm serious!" I stand, exposing my bare self. I walk to the window and look out at my kingdom. A cold hand slips up my back and onto my shoulder. I frown at the not-so-loving touch that I've come too familiar with. 

"My love, my love," she sighs. "Why do you insist on terminating our love?"

"I don't love you. You're nothing but a handmaiden."

She coos, "Oh, come now, love—"

"Millicent, please!" I push her hands off of me and walk away. "This is the last time we do anything. I mean it." I sit down on the bed, running my hands over my face and into my hair. I feel the bed dip beside me. She begins to rub my back in attempts to calm me, but she's only making matters worse.

"My King... why now do you say you want to end this between us?"

"I told you: you're nothing but a handmaiden."

"There's more than that. What is it?"

"Do you feel...nothing? You go against your queen in such a manner. You sleep with her husband, and still face and smile in her face, serve her every day... Does that not make you lie awake at night? You were Arabella's first friend here. She trusts you. She adores you. Do you have no shame?"

She sighs. "I did... I did long ago. But I fell in love. Surely God meant for this to happen, for us to fall in love—"

"Stop saying that! I do not love you, Millicent. I love my wife dearly, and all of this was a mistake. I was foolish being untrue to her. But all that is behind me now and I promised to put her first, stay true to her, and not galavant with whores."

She stops rubbing my back and places her hand in her lap. "Is that all I am to you? A whore?" She asks softly.


She takes a sharp breath and stands. "I should be getting back to work." 

I lay back on my bed as she, presumably, clothes herself in silence. Not too long after our exchanging of words, I hear the door creak open. "Oh, Millicent?"

"My King?"

"If I hear that you have been talking about our endeavors, if I hear that you're spreading lies, if I hear that you say a word to my wife, your queen," I look over at her. "I will have you tortured and then killed, with your head on a silver platter and your body on a stake posted in the town square. Do I make myself clear?"

She averts her eyes and bows. "Yes, my King," she croaks.

"Wonderful. You're dismissed."

A/N: Short, but things will be picking up quite a bit in the very near future. Lots and lots more drama. But feel free to tell me if you guys want a relaxed chapter whenever to counter all that's happening. I'll be glad to... Okay, again, I ask that you follow my second account for original content ( milkandglitter ). I'll be posting something soon, but I need to know if you want something drama filled, like this serial killer script I've been working on, or this show I've been working on based on the 70s and 80s with a mix of different styles? Please please please give me feedback <3 


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