IV: Walk

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Millicent is wonderful company. I hope that she can view me as more than someone to follow around, but to be a friend. Lord above knows I need to acquire some...

All I did today was look around, explore the palace and what it has to offer. I do have to spend the rest of my life here, do I not? I might as well make the best of it. I found a library. Quite massive, in fact. I feel like it could be a safe haven for me.

Supposedly, from what I've been hearing, there's to be a celebration, a party if you will, for my arrival. A welcoming, per-say. That calls for a lot of socializing with people. They must at least have a liking to their future queen, should they not? I am rather nervous, for I don't know what they will all think of me. I mean, I know I'm a nice person, but yet rather quiet. What if one takes my actions differently than intended, and I'm labeled as the Bitch Queen. I do not need, or want, that.

I've been informed that I really shouldn't go anywhere without maids or the protection of a guard. It is lovely, for my sake, but I'd much rather be alone as I stroll through the gardens or walk around the kingdom. How hazardous is it around here that I can't be alone? Maybe it is because I am a woman. A young woman, at that. If need be, I know how to defend myself.

Speaking of defense, it's been a bit too long since I've held a sword in my hands or even string a bow. My hands feel empty without it all. I feel empty without it. There's just no way I could train. It's impossible.

Up ahead, I'd caught glimpse of a familiar figure. "Hamish!" I waved. He picked up the pace, running towards me.

"You know you're not supposed to be alone, Arabella," he scolded.

"I know, but I wanted to be alone for some time."

"Yes, but if something were to happen, what would I even say to your mother? Your father?"

"I'm alright, there's nothing to worry about. I just wonder if you can train me at night before I'm married off, and all of you must depart."

"I don't know, m'lady. I'd rather not. It's risky."

"Please, I beg you! There's nothing for me here! All I want to do is train--"

"Your father would have my head if something were to happen."

"That's why he'd want his best friend to teach me any means of protection."

"Bella, you know that's not what I meant," he crossed his arms.


I gave in, saying, "Fine. Meet in the courtyard after supper tonight."

I smiled at the menacing looking man. Though he was anything but. Just a loyal man to my father and the kingdom. Been teaching me how to fight since I was ten years of age. Sweetest man and best fighter in all the lands.

"Thank you. You have my stuff, right?"

"Of course. Your mother would have both of our heads if she found those. I will have something made for you to keep them hidden for your stay here."

"Wonderful... I should be going."

He bowed. "Until nightfall, princess. Be careful."

"Until nightfall."

A/N: Oh my god, it's been forever since I updated. I was so brain dead with this story, it wasn't even funny. But I think I'm good now, getting this stupid chapter out of the way. Stick around for some in-depth stuff later. I really know where I want to take this now. Thanks for sticking around. Y'all loyal af ;) ❤️

-Kacy (they/them pronouns)

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