A day aboard the Nemesis

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This is unit twelve, permission to come aboard?"

The words that I hear countless times a day, well, countless is a stretch, 32 times a day on average, the most was sixty-three, and the lowest I've seen, not including times of retreat or other times when leaving and entering is not permitted, was two.

I quickly typed a command into my console. Patching the Vehicons commlink over to Megatron, who stood at the end of the command bridge while looking out of windows at the great blue sky.

I could still hear the conversion, I had my mind linked with the console before, I had only patched the unit to Megatron due to previous orders from him about unit twelve, and how it was carrying 'special' cargo.

"Unit twelve, have you secured the cargo?" Megatron asked.

"Yes, lord Megatron" the unit leader answered.

"Good, permission granted, bring it abroad and bring the cargo to my personal quarters".

"Not the engergon storeroom?"

"Do not make me repeat myself until twelve, you have your orders, now get to it."

Megatron turned from the windows and started to walk away, as he did, he give me my orders.

"Soundwave, oversee the bridge command, leave the commlink control to the underlings.

I simply nodded, although he had walked past me and wasn't looking.

I quickly type a command into the console, disconnecting my neural network from that of the ship's. I then add another command to send an alert ordering a vehicon's workstation to take over my duties on the commlink control.

I hear one of the vehicons from the left side of bridge quickly walk over to my station as I walk to the main terminal on the bridge, I always found it inconvenient that the main terminal was on the other side of room from my normal station, but I suppose it couldn't be helped, but still, it's a far cry from the old the flag ship, still incredibly frustration that we lost that ship, it was approximately three times bigger than the Nemesis.

I look over the terminal, the ship is currently set to hover above the Atlantic Ocean. I decided to keep the ship at its current coordinates.

I look over the ship system and everything appears normal, although elevation is low, we are forty-five thousand feet above sea level, rather than the normal sixty thousand feet.

I start a system diagnosis while setting the ship to move higher.

"Chief soundwave" I hear the vehicon I left at my normal post shout from the other side of the room.

I turn and face him, waiting expectedly. "I received a transmission from Knockout, he states that Laserbeak is ready for reattachment".

Good, it's been three days, sixteen hours and twenty-six minutes since I put him in for repairs.

"Should I tell him to hold onto Laserbeak for the time being?".

I nod and turn back to the main terminal as vehicon does the same with his.

As I look over the terminal again, I see the diagnosis is complete, it seems to have been a brief fuel problem that caused the ship to lower altitude and now one thought to turn it back after the problem was fixed.

Typical, mistakes are being made more and more around this ship, for as much I don't like to admit it, we weren't having these problems when starscream was in command. Although don't get me wrong, Starscream's command had countless problems that were fixed when Megatron came back.

I hear the door slide open, and a voice rings out afterwards "Soundwave" speak of Primus, it's starscream.

I turn and face him, "-Starscream-" I play an old voice clip of Megatron speaking.

He seems uncomfortable with my reply. I wonder if it's me, or my way of speaking.

"I've been issued an order by lord Megatron, I'm to take command of the bridge for the time being, you're on break till you are called upon" he states.

I would question nearly anything Starscream states, but he was recently heavily damaged by Megatron for trying to take him off life support not long ago, and Starscream typically becomes loyal again afterwards, at least for a while.

I nod and walk past him as he takes control of the terminal. If I'm free right now, then I may as well collect Laserbeak.

I stood next to the Vehicon, meaning the system communication station from early on.

"-Should I tell him to hold onto Laserbeak for the time being? -" I played his words back to him.

"Umm, do you want me to message Knockout and inform him that you can now pick up Laserbeak?" he asks.

I simply nod and walk off out of the command center.

As I walk down the hall towards the clinic, I pass Breakdown.

"Soundwave" He nods at me, a smile on his face. I wonder what made him so cheerful.

I nod back at him as I pass him, it's the least I can do. He and Megatron are likely the ones I'll do that for.

Megatron because of me having the highest of respect for lord Megatron, and Breakdown because he's the only one who doesn't seem worried about being around me.

Or maybe he is, and his kindness is purely to make me think he's not, I do wonder.

Soon enough my thoughts are interrupted, I am here at knockout's clinic. I walk up and the door opens.

"Ah, soundwave!" Knockout speaks happily, another one who is cheerful, although Knockout typically is, and I still prefer Breakdown out of the two.

I stare at him. He smiles drops, "Ah yeah, you would be looking for Laserbeak, it is sitting over there" He stated as he pointed over towards the table.

"-HE-" I play an old clip.

"Come again?" He asks, looking confused.

"-HE-" I play again.

"I'm confused"

"-Ah yeah, you would be looking for Laserbeak, it is sitting over there-" I play his words back to him, then play the "-HE-" clip at him again.

I will not let him insult Laserbeak like that, especially not in front of me.

"Oh, umm, sorry? He is sitting over on table" he says as he turns back to a different table with some machine on, appears to be a vehicon arm, it appears to be burnt around the broken shoulder joint. I wonder if the arm's owner survived, I also wonder which autobot shot it off.

But anyway, I turn and walk over to the table which Laserbeak is on, I don't like seeing him deactivated.

I reach forward and tap him, he springs to life and into the air, hovering around for a few seconds as he scans everything around him.

Soon his small Opticas focus on me, he then flies forward and reattaches to my chest plate. Good, I dislike being separated for long periods of time.

I turn and walk out of the room, I hear knockout mumbling away to himself, no doubt about my demands of how he refers to Laserbeak, although it's not worth the trouble of complaining about his attitude again.

As I walk away, I hear Starscream's voice over the PA system.

"Soundwave, report to the bridge at once"

So much for a break.

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