Orders given

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"Soundwave, report to the bridge at once" I heard Starcream's voice call out over the PA system.

So much for my break.

I quickly paced forward through the halls towards the bridge.

"Soundwave, how long was I under repair? I hear laserbeak through our spark bond.

"Three days," I responded. I am happy to speak without recordings via spark bond, only laserbeak can hear me through it so it's fine with me.

"New information?"

"Nothing other than standard duties"

"Understood Soundwave"

And as our conversion reaches its end, I reach the end of long hallways and have soon returned to the bridge. The door slides open and as I walk in, I take note of both Megatron and Starscream listening intently to a broadcast playing on the comstation.

As I slowly walk up Megatron turns his head to face me "Soundwave, we have a situation, listen to this report" he speaks, sounding most annoyed.

I stand next to Megatron and Starscream, the vehicon I left on the station types a command in and the report starts over so I can hear.

"This is mining facility Gamma14! a pair of autobots have attacked our facility and we need backup at once! repeat, we need backup at on-" and then the report goes static, indicating that the comstation at the base had been destroyed at that moment.

"The message was sent a short while ago and we didn't see it till now" Megatron speaks.

"We would have seen it if you were at your post instead of wondering about the ship," Starscream says. This statement highly annoys me, I will not let him pass the blame for this onto me, especially since he gave me the break.

"-You're on break till you are called upon-" I play the audio of him placing me on break.

"I-" Starscream is very quickly interrupted by Megatron.

"Starscream!" He yells, "You do NOT have the privilege to give such an order!"

"L-lord, I-" Starscream starts to speak, no doubt an attempt to pass the blame.

"Shut up! I will deal with you later!"

Starscream quiets down, hunching and backs off from Megatron. Megatron sighs to himself and rubs his optics, even without the previous context of his yelling you could tell he was annoyed.

"Soundwave, the battle at the mine is no doubt over, I want you to go survey the damage and to see what can be salvaged, call Breakdown down to take everything apart once you're done, understood?"

I simply nod as he turns away.

I look at the vehicon handling the comstation, "Should I open the groundbridge?" he asks, I nod. I turn away from him as a groundbridge opens in front of me and I slowly walk forward through it and into these mining.

I wonder who autobots that attacked were.

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