Observation (reuploaded)

324 11 0

I have the MECH base in my sights

I'm not sure MECH is, or how strong their numbers really are. Breakdown's battle with them and this base are on different continents, nearly the other side of the planet.

MECH is likely some kind of military wing of a normal political party, much like the Decepticons were when we started.

I look over the base again. It's located in the middle of a valley, with mountain ranges on both sides. A large warehouse or hanger is in the middle, light pours out of the half open door. Small watchtowers are dotted around the area with people inside them, likely armed with those shock rifles.

I continue to observe the base from my hidden position here in the trees on a nearby hill. I've been trying to identify a means of sneaking into the base but I've come up short.

The sides are covered by the watchtowers, as is the back. I spotted a pair of surface to air turrets that would render an aerial assault unwise. I even considered going in through the front, a full attack, but I was able to tell how bad of an idea that would be.

If I still had Laserbeak this would be trivial, we'd fly in at coordinated times and destroy the turrets, leaving the rest of the base easy to handle. I miss him.

. . .

Should I just leave? I'd hate to do it but I fail to see any other options here.


No I can't do that, after what they did to Laserbeak and Breakdown.

. . .

Oh damn you Primus, I know what I have to do, and I REALLY don't want to. This will not be a fun conversion.

I turn around from the base and walk down the hill before jumping up and transforming into my alt. I make sure to stay low and only start going high up into the night skies when I'm a safe distance away from the base.

. . .

The Autobots.

I don't want to reach out to them, but it's my only way to strike. I need blasters on the ground to attack. If they stay hidden within the forest they can shoot at the SAM turrets, freeing up an attack path for me to come in and attack from the sky.

I'll take out the watchtowers, the base will already be on high alert yes but without the watchtowers they won't have vantage points, which will give us t-, will give them some breathing room to attack alongside me.

I activate my audio recorder and speak into it.

"Autobots, It's Soundwave, I believe you are familiar with the group known as MECH? trace this broadcast and contact me if you wish to destroy them" I end the recording with a smile, I know they'll be interested in that.

I begin descent and fly close to the ground, coming in low before transforming. Landing with a loud thud onto the ground. I open my transmitter and set the recording for broadcast.

As I come in low I transform, turning around as I transform I grab at the ground to stop my momentum. I take a moment before I stand up straight and look around, waiting.

I walk over to a small rocky ridge I spotted, as I get close I turn and sit down upon the ridge. Guess I have to wait now.

I let out a sigh, this better not take as long as it did last time.

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