An Audience

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"Oh, by the way, I think Megatron was looking for you, pretty sure he in the engergon storeroom." He smiles as turns and walks off.

Well then, do I go find Megatron or Starscream?.

Lord Megatron is higher in the chain of command, If Starscream is upset by me not going after him then it will be something that he will have to settle with Lord Megatron

I slowly walk down the hall and take the first left I come across in order to reach the engergon storeroom.

I soon see an entrance with two vehicon guards standing by it. As I walk up to them I see them slightly turn their heads to face me as they hear me walk up.

"-Megatron, Inside?-"

"Yes chief Soundwave, do you need to go to the storeroom?" One of the guards Asks

I nod.

The guard turns to the keypad and by the side of the door and types a code into it. The door opens and the other guard speaks "Go on through"

I walk forward and past the guards and into the storeroom. I hear the door slide shut behind me as I walk past the towers of engeron storage cubes.

I continue to slowly walk forward and I soon see Megatron himself, he is speaking to a few of the vehicons of the servant class.

"-And you bring it over to my personal storage" I overhear the end of his conversation as the vehicons run off.

He seems to hear my footsteps as he turns to face me "Ah, it is good to see you walking aboard the ship once again." He speaks as he puts his hands together behind his back.

"I read Knockout's report, he believes you should be able to return to your normal duties, as long as you avoid heavy work. Would you agree with his assessment?" Megatron asks.

I think back to the shooting pains I had felt before, I'm sure that I've just pace myself I should be fine.

I nod.

Megatron smiles, "Good, now, not much has happened in your absences, but the effect of said absences has been felt throughout our entire communication network."

He starts to walk past me so I turn and start to follow by his side.

"Not one of the drones were able to handle the network the way you could, we've been forced to abandon a number of mines for the time being" he continues ranting as he so often does.

"I bet the Autobots have already picked up the engeron traces and have robbed a number of our mines blind" he sighs as we leave the engeron storeroom and start to walk through the halls.

"But enough of that, did you give any information to the Autobots?"

Have I done something to warrant a lack of faith?.


"Good, now, I want you to make your way to the bridge and take over from the drone currently there"
"Assuming the drones don't crash the ship or blow up our reactor" He mutters as I nod and turn, walking away.

I wonder what he was talking to those Vehicons about, for some reason it reminded me of that conversion I had overheard before being sent to check out the mines.

I walk out of the storeroom and leave towards the bridge. 

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